A simple trick for managing procrastination

I will try to share advice on how you can become a little aware of your condition and develop a useful skill. Everything written is based only on personal experience, the desire to share it and draw useful feedback from feedback.

The idea of โ€‹โ€‹the approach is based on simple rules:
1. identification or awareness of their own behavior allows them to control;
2. the repetition of a skill is a habit;
3. habit is a very effective skill, since it consumes very little energy.

Generally speaking, procrastination is a fictitious entity, it was invented by procrastinators in order not to work. I will use this term in this article without decoding, it is understandable, this is enough for now. There can be many reasons for procrastination, but the problem is that procrastination can occur unknowingly. The second problem - procrastination eats a huge amount of energy, as it makes the wearer suffer. Those. if the programmer is resting, he regains strength, if he works, he spends. If procrastinated, he spends at least twice as much and burns himself. Those. refusal of procrastination in favor of rest is minimization of damage. Analysis will be even more beneficial.

For analysis, you need to understand what happened "loss" of work (flow). I donโ€™t know how for you, for me this fact has long remained out of focus. Those. distraction to the message does not lead to a dropout, the answer does not, viewing a couple more messages does not. Or already brought.

In short. I came up with one approach and it is very simple. The point is that I have a ring that has the right to be on my finger only when I work. I do not work, it is necessary to remove. Started to work, put on. Since I rightly believe that the preparation imitates activity, I made it from the wire used to pack bread, spending only a minute of time.

1. Do not work on what is planned, take off! Those. Went to answer the message, it is necessary to remove. He returned to work, put on.

Why is it good.
1. By putting a ring on your finger, you demonstrate your intention. This is not a thought anymore - an intention has materialized, it is on your finger and you feel it.
2. Now you canโ€™t drink coffee (watch the Internet, chat, etc.) and wear a ring. It turns out that if we do not work, this cannot be hidden and this forms a feeling of guilt. But these are trifles, the most important thing, we know for sure when we work, and when not.
3. Itโ€™s easier to stay in the stream. The ring holds.
4. Itโ€™s easier to get started โ€” less doubt.
5. After some time, the body will form a habit and will inform you that you fell out of the stream.
6. It is very important to analyze. If you have shot the ring three times in the last 15 minutes, it makes sense to realize what is happening. In fact, you began to burn energy to the incomprehensible. You work inefficiently. We must stop, realize this, find the reason and decide what to do next. For example, it's time to relax. Or leave programming and draw the solution first on paper. Or it's time to switch to a problem that is now more important. Or another. Awareness allows you to do this on time.

All this leads to one simple and useful skill-habit of always answering the question "what am I doing now?" This greatly improves efficiency and allows you to keep procrastination under control.

What does it look like

I hope that everything is clear and I told you about a useful trick.

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