Why ICQ lost an ancient user after buying Mail.Ru

The story of how I suddenly lost my elite 5 * ICQ
simply because Mail.Ru rolled out an update!

I am writing here because representatives of Mail.Ru Group are sitting here and maybe they will do something with this awkward nonsense in the logic of their ICQ client. After all, something that can simply destroy your precious “ICQ” number without warning that you have kept for years and all contacts in it will disappear irrevocably, and yet I had a huge database of people with signatures on everyone’s skills in the name of the contact. There was no measure of labor ... correspondence ... important information, the lack of which I still feel a headache. In general, the whole point is in a couple of letters.

I would like to describe it as briefly as possible, and immediately bring correspondence with technical support: What conclusions have I personally made for myself: this “support” does not answer the directly posed question, ignoring it. Why is it needed?



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