YouTube - Error. Please try again later. Playback ID: <...>

A little over a month ago, I began to notice that almost every attempt to watch YouTube videos on a desktop computer begins with an error message.

There is nothing fatal in this, since the video still starts playing after one to two or three page updates. In fact, nothing can be done at all, since the error disappears โ€œby itselfโ€ after a while. Just wait a bit and the video will start playing on its own.

This behavior of the YouTube player, although it does not look like a serious problem, but after a while it starts to annoy. Therefore, once again seeing the error message, I decided to deal with this problem.

Under the cut - the cause of the error (for those who are too lazy to read, this is AdBlock), and what can be done about it. Of course, in addition to disabling the ad blocker itself.

Tips from the Internet

A search on the Internet produces many pages with supposedly "solutions" to this problem. Most of the advice is to install or vice versa uninstall the Flash player, reinstall Internet Explorer and other dubious recipes that will in no way help the user with Ubuntu on the desktop.

And after looking at some account links, it became clear to me that all these pages were made almost carbon-copy and are intended to attract users like me to sites, but they do not help to solve the indicated problem.

And yet, among the search garbage, I came across a link discussing my problem:
Good afternoon. 
A few days ago I ran into a problem in youtube with opening a video in new tabs. Before that, everything worked perfectly for years. When you open any video in new tabs (holding Ctrl or RMB-open in a new tab) in the Google Chrome browser I get an error message immediately after the start of the clip: Error. Please try again later. Playback ID: <code>.  

Moreover, if you refresh the page with the video, then after 4-5 unsuccessful attempts with an error, the video may start playing normally. ...
In the correspondence of this topic, people are trying to find the real cause of errors, and ultimately concludes that AbBlock is to blame, coupled with Googleโ€™s attempt to monetize YouTube by selling premium accounts with a monthly payment and no ads:
Also, such a problem arose, and relatively recently.
I tried a lot of the above.

There is no solution so far, well, except for 100% effective - this is a premium account with a monthly fee and no errors and default ads.

Setting the time and date, reinstalling Adblock, etc., did not help.

Tip: In no case do not turn off the Adblock (I had AdGuard standing and standing) ...
Just with an error, press F5 on the keyboard - it will take 1 second and the page will be updated and the video will go its course. For the experiment, I turned off AdGuadrd and stuck on two video ads that should not be missed 1) 30 seconds 2) 1: 20 ... they go in the forest ...
But since the monthly fee for disconnecting ads did not receive approval from my inner toad, so I decided to delve further into this topic on my own.

Technical part

If you open the browser console, you can observe some synchronicity between the error message of loading one script and the moment of updating the error information in the YouTube player.

Moreover, after some time, the player tries to reload the specified script. And if its reloading was also unsuccessful, then immediately after that the video clip starts playing.

Empirically, it became clear that the error information in the player is displayed after the first unsuccessful script loading
Downloading the script at "" failed.
Naturally, disabling the ad blocker completely eliminates the playback error, but at the same time advertising inserts begin to appear, which is why you have to do it, as in the above tip:
Tip: In no case do not turn off the Adblock (I had AdGuard standing and standing) ...
Just with an error, press F5 on the keyboard - it will take 1 second and the page will be updated and the video will go its course. For the experiment, I turned off AdGuadrd and stuck on two video ads that should not be missed 1) 30 seconds 2) 1: 20 ... they go in the forest ...

Trivial decision

However, the problem with the annoying error remained unresolved.

In order to verify the assumption that the error is not due to lack of advertising, but due to an error loading the script, I tried temporarily adding to the AdBlock` white list of hosts.

And hurray, oh miracle! The error at the initial start of the video has disappeared, and the advertisement continues to block as before.

Therefore, a very simple recipe

If you encounter a YouTube error - Error. Please try again later. Playback ID <...> during the initial playback of a video clip due to an ad blocker, then try adding the host to the white list of the blocker. Suddenly, and after that you will have happiness ;-)

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