News from the world of OpenStreetMap No. 501 (02/18/2020/24/02/2020)

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Source code of blender-osm - plugin for Blender 3D - uploaded by GitHub 1 | vvoovv | map data OpenStreetMap contributors

About us

  • , 500- , , , . , OSM β€” .

  • amenity=motorcycle_taxi, , . (Nabble)
  • , / (camera:signed=yes/no), , , , . (Nabble)
  • OSM , FreeMap. , OSM ( , ). OSM β€” , , OpenStreetMap (, OSM.
  • dktue 17 2020, (). . .
  • Thejesh GN OSM, OSMAnd.
  • HOT Microsoft , .
  • Knotenpunktsystem ( Β« Β»), , . ().

  • , OSM, OSM-Awards 2020. , 10 2020 .
  • , OpenStreetMap. 6 , .
  • Google , Google Summer of Code (GSoC) . OSM 200 . GSoC 16 31 2020 .
  • SomeoneElse . , Wheelmap.
  • β€” YouthMappers . , . YouthMappers, YouthMappers .


  • , , . OSM.


  • HOT , (- , , , , ) HOT .

  • ? , - ? Gribrouillon, , . , OSM .
  • «» 2D WebGL . , β€” 3D-.
  • -- .
  • OSM OSM.


  • Tempus β€” . OSM , Leaflet Overpass.

  • OpenDataFrance OSM β€” GeoDataMine. , , OpenStreetMap.

  • Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) , Open Routing API, Routing API Route Exchange Model , .
  • Open Geospatial Consortium CityJSON . .

  • JOSM 20 (20.02) 15915. Maxar, / Taginfo Geofabrik, JOSM .



  • ( ), .
  • . , , , .
  • (ODI Leeds) - .
  • La Voz de AlmerΓ­a . , (), OpenStreetMap .
  • , . , Swisstopo ( ) .
  • Giscience , , . , , , , , , .
  • On February 12, the first meeting on LOKI (aerial surveillance of infrastructure in crisis) took place at the University of Heidelberg . The goal of the LOKI project is to develop a system that allows you to quickly and reliably assess the situation from the air after an earthquake.
  • Mapillary snapshots are now available in ArcGIS Urban, ESRI's smart city planning tool for street-level perspectives.

Communication of Russian OpenStreetMap participants is in the Telegram chat room and on the forum . There are also groups on social networks VKontakte , Facebook , but they mainly publish news.

Join OSM!

Previous issues: 500 , 499 , 498 , 497 , 496

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