What does it mean to be Agile?

Agile Manifesto was published in 2001. He defined the values ​​and principles on the basis of which all the many practices used in software development, both new and pre-existing, were divided into two parts - Agile practices and non-Agile practices.

For example, unit testing, poker planning, daily stand-ups have become considered Agile practices.

On the other hand, staff fines, preparation and signing of a full technical task, separation of teams according to their functional characteristics (departments of architecture, development, quality) were not included in the Agile list.

The reasons why a particular practice is considered by Agile or vice versa are not always obvious.

This article is an attempt to rethink the practices I know of Agile, to formulate simple and clear criteria for which practice can be considered Agile and which not.

What does it mean to be Agile?

I will build the article as follows. First, I will propose the criteria, then I will test them with examples.


Practice (as well as an idea, value, principle, or even the whole framework) will be considered Agile if it meets at least one criterion (and does not contradict all the others). Conversely, if a practice contradicts at least one criterion, it will not be considered Agile.

People Creative professionals

Agile , . , , , .

Agile .

Agile , .

Effective communication

– , .

Agile – (face-to-face). , , .

– , , , .

, .

Value /

(lean) , Agile , .

Agile / , (eliminate waste).


, . Agile , .

– .


Agile Value
People Effective communication
Value Effective communication
Effective communication Value Feedback


People , ,

Value , (eliminate waste)

Feedback : –

People , ,

Effective communication ,



Effective communication , ,


Effective communication ,

(-, burnup charts)

Effective communication

, user stories


Feedback user story;

Planning Poker ( )

Effective communication ,

Value ( , )

Feedback ,

Effective communication


Feedback ,

(open space)

Effective communication ,



Feedback –

, -, (CI/CD)


Definition of Done

Feedback DoD –

Value DoD



No feedback

No value ,

Ineffective communications ,


Not for people , ; –

Ineffective communications ,

No feedback , ,

( / )

Not for people ,

Ineffective communications

No value , ,

No value ,

Not for people

Ineffective communications

No value ,


Not for people ( , )

No value – , , ,

/ ,

Not for people , ; ,

Ineffective communications , ,

No feedback authoritarian decision making blocks feedback


The above criteria are not a substitute for the manifesto. But they help me a lot in my daily work. With their help (in the pictures) I explain what it means to be Agile. With their help, I evaluate what I encounter. I would like to know what you think about it.

Please write in the comments, is it always obvious to you that this or that Agile practice is? How do you resolve this issue?

Write down which Agile or non-Agile practices do not meet, in your opinion, the proposed criteria. Suggest your criteria.

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