Three working frameworks for developing soft skills in IT

Judging by the reports of Habr and Linkedin, the conclusions of the IEF - communications are sagging in all segments of the business. In this article I will give a squeeze of these studies and three specific structures for working with speech.

My name is Madi Shahrur, and over the past six years I have taught hundreds of IT people to talk. For many of them, cool communication skills have become a push factor for career growth.

At the International Economic Forum in Davos, it was determined that flexible skills will be key to all business sectors in 2020 . The large Linkedin report of 2018 shows that of all soft skills, the biggest gap for specialists of any level is precisely in communication skills . Habr comes to the conclusion that the ability to argue and listen is highly appreciated by the experts themselves.

What communication skills do you consider the most important in your profession? 3000 respondents, Habr

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We can see the clear timing of each block based on the overall structure and the required length of the performance. This will allow you to change and rehearse the speech modularly, rearrange the blocks in places, without losing their meaning.


We laid out and adapted for smartphones a convenient cheat sheet for speech structure , use it here .

About interactive skills for participating in negotiations, planning meetings, scrum rallies and other discussions, I will tell you more. Glad to answer your questions!

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