A selection of entertaining statistical facts # 5

A selection of graphs and results of various studies with short annotations from the author of the Telegram channel Groks. Funny graph showing discrimination against robots. The performance of unmarked chatbots is comparable to the level of professional salespeople, and they are four times more effective than inexperienced employees in terms of stimulating purchases. But if the identity of the chatbot is indicated before the dialogue with the client begins, sales fall by 80%. I do not particularly follow lawmaking in the context of artificial intelligence, but I  remember that after a dilemma with Google Duplex in the USA, it was decided to oblige bots to inform people that they are bots. I once  wrote

that contact centers process about 268 billion calls per year and it costs about $ 1.6 trillion. For a minute, the global advertising market is half as much. Now think about how enormous quasi-tax is the solution to the ethical problem of bots.

An interesting schedule of The Economist dated January 30 met. That is, now the capitalization of Tesla in terms of the number of cars sold is even greater. And this despite the fact that the revenue of Toyota, Daimler and Volkswagen since 2016 in absolute terms grew faster than that of Tesla. Belief in the Mask is impressive.

I really do not want to support the propaganda of the media sphere about coronavirus, but I came across interesting data from Statista, which I cannot but share with you.

But still I want to emphasize that this data is not about the scale of the epidemic, but about the scale of pessimism regarding this topic. In Q1 2020, analysts predict a decrease in the supply of smartphones by 10%, laptops - by 12%, smart watches - by 16%.

It is likely that Samsung will suffer the least among major electronics manufacturers. In recent years, the company has moved most of its production to Vietnam, and the last smartphone factory in China closed back in 2019. In general, I noticed the numbers, in order to compare forecasts with reality in the future.

It is also worth noting that global hysteria has benefited some, and in this situation, specific beneficiaries have appeared. In the first two weeks of February, Chinese people sitting in their homes increased downloads of games and other apps in the Middle Kingdom by 40%, according to AppAnnie. Revenues from games grew by 12%.


  • Amazon  has become the  largest advertiser in the world, taking this title from P&G. In 2019, Bezos Corporation spent $ 11 billion on advertising, which is about 2% of global advertising costs.
  • Bloomberg  says Instagram brought Facebook $ 20 billion in revenue. This is a quarter of Facebook’s total revenue and more than YouTube’s - in 2019, the service brought the parent company Alphabet $ 15.1 billion.
  • In November, I  wrote  about Disney +, which scored over 10 million subscribers in a day, or 15% of the US Netflix subscriber base. Disney + now has 28.6 million subscribers, according  to the  CEO of the conglomerate.

This post is a compilation of entries from my channel for December using the #analytics tag. You can find the previous issue here . Many thanks to all for your attention!

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