Study study

Hello everyone!

Today’s Friday poll was a logical continuation of the previous one , in which it turned out that users did not even know about some functions of the browser. Naturally, any developer will think about what can be done to change this situation. But in order to solve this problem, we again need your help.

Many still remember the days when each new computer program (naturally, English) looked like a real puzzle for a user who meticulously, day after day, explored the possibilities of a new curiosity then popular with the “scientific poke method” - by pressing all kinds of buttons or menu items in the program’s interface and watching the reaction. Then, of course, all these detailed manuals appeared, translations of reference materials and simply experienced gurus who patiently told others what and how to do. Then came even more powerful technologies and training videos, animated instructions, and other tools appeared that let you learn almost everything about the program’s capabilities.

Yes, times are changing, technology is becoming more complex and it makes life easier for us. But how do users today master modern software? This topic will be the subject of today's survey.

Photo by Markus Spiske

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