Robot Operating System Meetup - 2020 will be held in Moscow on April 18-19, 2020

Sberbank Robotics Laboratory and the Russian ROS community, supported by Intel and NVIDIA, are inviting you to the next, third MeetUp on Robot Operating System, the world's most widely used operating system for robots!

At the end of the article are videos of some of the reports from the previous MeetUp.

The second Russian ROS MeetUp in the fall of 2019 gathered more than 250 people and showed the correctness of the chosen path of development of the community of robotics engineers: only programming and electronics, research and development. The topics that were covered in our community are relevant for any robot and in any country where they make robots!

The close communication of engineers started at the previous MeetUp continued in our telegram channel . If you are not there yet - wellcome!

Now about the news of the third ROS MeetUp:

  • MeetUp will last 2 days, April 18 and 19
  • there will be a contest for the best robot with a poster on how it works and uses ROS
  • and report contest

You can place your robot and poster in a separate demo zone (we will help you print the poster, but the robot is not accepted without a poster!). The best posters will be rewarded with prizes from NVIDIA. Therefore, urgently fill out an application for participation, prepare a poster and uncover your robots!

If you have an interesting message for the community, you have something to share, something to show, something to talk about, then you can become a speaker! We will award the best speakers with prizes from Intel. Just do not forget to fill out an application for a presentation with a report.

You can take part as a listener by filling out an application on the event page in Timepad. Yes, there are many who wish, the event is free, attendance only after registration, so be sure to wait for confirmation from the organizers (will come by mail)!

ROS MeetUp Preliminary Program - 2020:

First Day April 18
TimeTopic / Speaker
10:30Gathering of participants, registration
11:00Introductory word - Albert Efimov, Head of the Center for Robotics of Sberbank
11:10Overview of which companies use ROS - Alexey Burkov
11:30How to assemble a mobile robot in less than 20 thousand rubles - Anatoly Kabakov
11:45ESP32 Rosserial driver or how to make a climate system on ROS - Cousin Nikita
12:05SweetieBot project: a compact walking robot running ROS - Oleg Goncharov
12:35Lunch and viewing robots in the exhibition area
14:05Robotic Wheelchair - Moscow Anton
14:30Using ROS to develop a multi-agent robotic system - Rovbo Maxim
14:55GPGPU for the rest of us: using OpenGL ES in ROS - Alexey Rogachevsky
15:25NVIDIA Isaac SDK. Sightseeing tour - Slepichev Dmitry
16:05ROS2 and microcontrollers. We divide the robot into modules - Vasily Samarin
16:30Where ROS ends and real time begins - Alexey Romanov
5 p.m.Intel OpenVino
17:30Presentation of prizes
17:50Discussion on the topic: β€œHow to develop the ROS community in Russia?”

Second day of April 19
TimeTopic / Speaker
10:30Gathering of participants, registration
11:00Workshop: SMACH state machine in ROS - Nikita Stolyarov
12:30Google Blockly + ROS - Scherbov Roman
12:55Lunch and viewing robots in the exhibition area
14:25Stingray: development of a high-level platform for AUVs based on ROS - Akhtyamov Timur
14:45Integration of ML frameworks with ROS - Plotnikov Vladislav
15:05Time for speakers to register later
15:35Presentation of prizes
15:55Discussion on the topic: β€œChoosing a joint open-source ROS project”

We recommend watching the review reports of MeetUp about ROSCON2019 and a discussion about the development of the ROS community in Russia.

And stay tuned in telegram chat , soon we will publish all the reports from the second ROS-MeetUp.

Review of reports with ROSCON2019 - Alexander Gamayunov
The following topics are covered in the video:
Security in ROS2 with DDS;
Optimization of interprocess communication protocol by I-Robot;
Photorealism in the simulator Ignition Gazebo;
Changing the architecture of Gazebo plugins for ROS2;
New features of the SDF 1.7 specification;
Script library for testing simulation scripts;
Key impressions of ROS2.

Review of reports with ROSCON2019 - Alexey Burkov
The following topics are covered in the video:
Real time in ROS2;
Keynote: Robotics Middleware Framework for hospitals;
Autoware project for unmanned vehicles;
Navigation2 on ROS2;
SLAM Toolbox
Conclusions on ROSCON2019.

Discussion about the Russian ROS community. In this video, we discuss how and where to develop it.

All performances of the first ROS MeetUp are here .

Participation in the event is free.
Organizer - Sberbank Robotics Laboratory.
Partners - Intel, NVIDIA.

Register as a listener on Meetup here . See you at ROS MeetUp-2020!

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