March 6th Java Digest

  • The next issue of the Bit Helmet podcast with Anton Arkhipov ( @antonarhipov ) has been released. Anton, probably, doesn’t need to be introduced, but still: the Java champion, product manager at the Kotlin team, used to work at ZeroTurnaround. The podcast helps lead Kirill Tolkachev, the rest is the standard composition.
  • By the way, Kotlin 1.3.70 came to us . Included are new functions and classes in the collections of the standard library (for example, kotlin.collections.ArrayDeque), improvements in the Kotlin plugin in IntelliJ IDEA, the Kotlin / JVM compiler generates type annotations in bytecode 8 Java and higher, the assembly of Kotlin Native has been accelerated, and so on.
  • Oracle JDBC drivers now lie on Maven Central. Not only for a fresh base, but for everyone:,,, All other database-related artifacts are now grouped in * In Maven. Details here . We survived all these years of torment with slipping jarks in different strange places, let's drink to a glorious victory!

  • eo-yaml 3.0.0. , «Elegant Objects» . , : YAML, , YAML-. .
  • , RESTful API Docker, ( pom.xml) Glassfish. 0.0.11. , , . - -, , .
  • , : update4j, 1.4.5. , . , — , lifecycle , update4j . . 251 , 338 29 GitHub.
  • « IDE » r/java Reddit. Project Loom, , . . — :-)
  • Confluent Confluent Cloud Microsoft Azure Marketplace. , , Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Marketplace. managed Kafka!
  • GitLab 12.8.2. , directory traversal . , directory traversal Spring Cloud, .
  • JEP 373: «Reimplement the Legacy DatagramSocket API». ( ASAP).
  • Apache NetBeans 11.3. - , , , JSF 2.3 JEP 359.
  • Eclipse Eclipse Communication Framework 3.14.7. GitHub, Remote Services Development.
  • JBoss Tools 4.14.0.AM1 — Quarkus Tools! (, - , , Quarkus Run/Debug mode.


  • (Josh Long) Bootiful Podcast c Spring I/O Spring- (Sergi Almar).
  • «This Week in Spring». , .
  • Spring Cloud Hoxton Service Release 3 (SR3) CVE-2020-5405. spring-cloud-config-server, . — , , .
  • Spring Security 5.3. 200 .
  • Spring Session Dragonfruit-RC1, Corn-SR2 and Bean-SR10. Dragonfruit , GitHub .

, ,

  • Oracle Java EE Jakarta EE. , c Java EE / Jakarta EE. , JASPIC — Jakarta Authentication, - . Maven Jakarta EE. , EJB 2 :-)
  • , Java Magazine, «Java Flight Recorder and JFR Event Streaming in Java 14». «Java 14 Arrives with a Host of New Features» JEP- Java 14.
  • WiX Engineering , - . , GraalVM.
  • Uber , JVM , - HDFS. , , . , — , .
  • Helidon Medium , Helidon JPA 2.2, , Java Persistence API, Java SE, Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory() - . Java EE application server, , .
  • , Helidon Medium Helidon DB Client — API . JDBC MongoDB Reactive Streams Java Driver, , JDBC-, MongoDB ( ). : , JDBC, executor service, . observability, backpressure , .
  • (Adam Bien) , Helidon/MicroProfile Jetty. HTTP JAX-RS, HTTP 200 (quarkus and helidon, pippo, spincast). Quarkus vs WildFly.
  • (Lucas Eder) «Using Java 13+ Text Blocks for Plain SQL with jOOQ». ! , , DSL . , JDBC, Java .
  • The next release of Java Weekly at number 323 from Baeldung with a damn dump of links to different articles without explanation of the content.

The digest is published with the support of the JUG Ru Group and the JPoint conference .

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