Android mitap at Redmadrobot April 30th


Attention! We transfer Android mitaps to online. Everyone can connect to the broadcast, and not just those who managed to register. Link to the broadcast.

We invite Android developers to discuss how to equip themselves in order to increase the speed and quality of development, how (and why) to use the gRPC framework in a mobile phone, and to parse our “smart home” case - how to implement the opening of a code lock in an application.


“Tooling. Tips and Tricks »

“We Android developers are lucky.” We have a smart IDE with a convenient Git client. It has a lot of features that can simplify the life of the developer, and it is impossible to know all of them. Let's talk about Android Studio, Git, and about console utilities. What can be done now to increase its effectiveness.

Who tells: Osip Fatkullin, Android developer of Redmadrobot.

"Knock Knock! Who's there? Open… "

- I’ll tell you how we designed and implemented the main functionality of the application - the management of a smart intercom. Why we settled on widgets, and not on Shortcuts or Quick Settings Tiles. And how to make widgets in 2020, when the documentation and sdk remained at the 2012 level.

Who tells: Vlad Shipugin, Android developer of Redmadrobot.

“The future of programming or you all will soon be left without work”

- A provocation report aimed at the beloved Kotlin, Swift, Go, JS, TS, etc. (underline as necessary).

Who tells: Egor Taflanidi, an independent expert.

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