CLRium # 7: Reports, Practice, Mentors

April 7 , 2020 in St. Petersburg and May 16 in Moscow will host the seventh mini-conference on the .NET CLRium platform # 7 . This time we will talk and practice multithreaded code. As last time, all reports will adhere to a single line of narration. In the sixth CLRium, we became more advanced in theory and learned a lot about the thread scheduler, locks, and non-blocking algorithms. In the .NET platform, we studied synchronization contexts, task schedulers, how the tasks themselves work, async / await and typical errors when using it ... We studied everything in general to confidently begin to do practical tasks.

In CLRium # 7, we will move on to practice . Our program is finally finally ready: we have developed a matrix of reports that are structured so that subsequent reports logically follow from the previous ones. And besides the reports themselves, at will, practical work will be given at home, in the framework of which you will gain experience working on tasks together: in groups of several people (controlled by a coordinator).

When planning the seminar, we decided to go on an experiment: introduce a full-fledged practice. After all, you can argue for a long time how to deal with parallelization of algorithms, but never start doing it. On the one hand, it’s scary, and on the other, there were no tasks so that there was an understanding of whether it could be parallelized or not. Therefore, the line of our workshop will be as follows:

Architectural block of reports:

  1. : . . β€” RabbtMQ, β€” . ;
  2. - . : - ;
  3. , , : . . ;
  4. β€” . .. , . : , ;


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  1. " async/await: - " , : async/await ? - async/await, ? async? ? .
  2. Rx.NET: linq-like (, . .. UI). , … β€” , .
  3. β€” - JetBrains.Lifetimes. . - , - β€” .

, .NET.

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