How I went to school 21 and the disclosure of secrets

I successfully completed the pool in August 2019. There was no special knowledge in coding, only he knew the syntax of the C language. Now, let's go into more detail without whining and with the "disclosure" of secrets. If you have already read about this school, then you can skip the first two stages and start immediately from the third.

Let's start with the keywords:
1. Pool - a month-long selection period, during it you solve problems that are sent every day in an amount of 3 to 7 (sometimes more).
2. TIJ - if translated from French (because France had the first school), then this is community service.
3. Admin - the most important, the king and the master. As I remember, there are several of them.
4. A glass - those to whom you turn with all questions in a row, they know absolutely everything. They solve issues ranging from a lack of toilet paper to a computer that does not work.
5. Clusters - rooms with computers where you study.


Sberbank decided to educate people without education, the main criterion is the age, which should be 18+ to a very large one (I don’t remember the threshold). You also need to go through the selection stages, they last somewhere in general for 2 months, first the tests, which are described below, and then the pool itself. Training takes place in English.
I must say right away that the rules that I give in the third paragraph - in the public domain, I do not disclose information from the contract, if you are interested in more detail, you can look here .

Stage one: Two games

You must complete 2 games. They are quite simple, we rumored that all this is formal and weed out bots.

As the website says, in time for everything 2.5 hours:

Game # 1 => 10 minutes
Game # 2 => 2 hours

First game

You will see the squares that you need to remember in what order appeared and disappeared, and then repeat this order.

Second game

Logic game. If you want to know what the second game looks like, then drive into the Play Market "Algorithm City Encoding the game of children with animals." Or simply "games for programmers."

Stage Two: Video Interview

A video interview also takes place to further verify that you are a real person, answer questions that, in principle, do not affect anything.
Questions of this type:
  1. , . , ?
  2. 20** ?
  3. 21? ?
  4. 21?
  5. 21?


Come to a certain time for which they registered on their site. Then they start talking about the school. They say that the school was created to increase confidence in Sberbank. They do not answer SPECIAL questions about the pool, they are forbidden to tell, as well as those who have already passed. The selection system is classified. Also, in my opinion, it was interesting where School 21 came from and how it was connected with School 42. Answer: School 21 DID NOT STEAL the idea, they bought a franchise for some incredibly big money.
We smoothly proceed to the fact that in even rows you go to the signing of the contract for participation in the next selection. Little remark, I do not want to take responsibility for the disclosure of information, so you can see the contract in this post, and here I’ll talk about specific points, because of which people in the comments got a little mad.

“For safety reasons, you cannot use elevators in the School 21 building. "- these elevators are used by people who have health problems, even with me during the pool there were two participants who moved in wheelchairs.

“It is forbidden to sleep in all the premises of the school. ”- we had a lot of people in the pool who really didn’t leave the clusters and went to the first floor, where they slept on benches, although when the administration saw them, they issued TIJ and there were enough such precedents.

“It is forbidden to put food or water on computer tables and window sills. "- everything is clear here, they want to keep Sberbank’s property clean, for this they have created kitchens on floors where everyone can find a place for themselves.

And now that’s why many people are furious. The administration punishes the guilty. How does this happen? Do you use foul language? TIJ. Do you drink water at the table without a cap? TIJ.

The execution of the punishment is quite simple, register for a certain time, and then they give you a rag + a tool for the screens, then with a calm soul, wipe the screens for an hour.

Also, after signing the contract, you will photograph your face with a camera so that you can pass through the turnstiles by face id.

Stage Four: Pool

The most interesting is the pool. Every day, new tasks fall, which must be completed one by one. They are all in increasing order of difficulty. Plus, there are clans (conflicts) for which you stand, there is an active competition, at the end of the pool winners are awarded.

General rule for all tasks:
If there was an error in the first task, then all the others will not be counted.

There are several types of tasks.
1. Single, given every day, in an amount of 3 to 7 pieces.

2. The team. Teams will be randomized by the system, 2 stupid and 1 smart often come across.
What's interesting:
If at least one of the participants can not explain the code, then do not count to any of the team members.

Inspection System:
1. The human. People themselves check each other, the system is designed so that you need to register for verification, in 5-10 minutes it will be known who you are checking (everyone must do this, otherwise you can’t make sure that your tasks are checked and then there will be 0 points) .
2. Automatic. The verification system is very tough, they will absolutely test your code there.

There are a couple of types of tasks, but I don’t want to disclose, I’ll say that there will be tasks for the advanced level, as well as a 24-hour marathon. Here you can see an example of a single task (it is for an advanced level).

Fifth Stage: Result

You have already passed the pool, now you just have to enjoy life and relax, you can no longer worry and not hope that you will act, because nothing else depends on you, continue to develop yourself and wait for the results that will come by e-mail.

I would like to add: many people think "why in this system of evaluating the secret, and so everything is clear," but no, the selection system is difficult to predict. Not always a large number of points will mean that you will go to school. The school is looking for people who have the core and are ready to learn despite numerous mistakes.

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