Oil and vodka: how do we get rid of stickers from laptops

In Avito, everyone works on laptops. Itโ€™s more convenient: you can do your tasks from any part of the office, show presentations and take notes at meetings.

Each new employee gets a choice of fresh MacBook or Dell. Nobody forbids sticking stickers on them - tight restrictions have never taken off. But it happens that colleagues become former. And then, in parting, they bring their beautifully sealed notebooks to the IT support team.

Our names are Artyom Lelyukhin and Pavel Vasilyev, and we work in the same Avito team. In this article, we will talk about effective, absurd and even dangerous ways to free a laptop from stickerbombing.

What, in fact, is the problem

When Avito was small and two hundred people worked in it, nobody worried about stickers and laptops. But when the staff began to grow, we agreed to issue fresh and clean equipment without exception. So itโ€™s more comfortable for beginners - itโ€™s unpleasant on the first working day to get a glued or ushatanny computer. If one of our colleagues breaks down a working laptop, we also try to give out a clean one as a substitute.

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Starter pack  

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