5 signs of an it-product to be sold

We analyze the principles of Customer Development and product analytics that help create a successful product.

If you look at the IT market, then thousands of sites, applications, programs, games, instant messengers are not in demand. Huge amounts and efforts have been invested in their development, and the exhaust is almost zero. This is due to the fact that the founders and developers did not take into account five important signs of a product that will interest the consumer.


1. The product matches the reality of your customers

Many people involved in creating IT products are too keen on their idea. Isn't that a virtue? Unfortunately no. Too much love for your development leads to the fact that the market is entering an offer that is interesting only to you and your family members or friends. You should never focus on your own fantasies about the consumer or on the opinion of a narrow group of people.

How to proceed: Forget your own hypotheses and focus on where your potential customers are right now. What is their current reality? What frustrations do they face? What are their goals? What questions do they ask? What do they say, do, think and feel daily? When you have clear answers to these questions, you can understand whether your idea fits into their life and why they need it.

2. Potential customers tried to solve the problem themselves

If the problem is real, then consumers have already tried to deal with it using some methods. For example, people go to a psychologist to fix false precepts. And in this case, the Master Kit self-regulation methodology became a unique development, which helped users save money and time by visiting consultations. There are hundreds and thousands of such stories when an IT product makes life easier for customers.

How to act: understand what advantage you can put in a product so that it becomes profitable (in terms of energy, emotions, finances, time). Think about Uber - the application is very easy to use (saves effort on understanding). And in many countries this is the most budget type of taxi (saves money).

3. The product is regularly tested.

Many business owners spend months or years creating a new product without testing it. No matter how carefully you study your opinion and use your knowledge, this approach will lead to failure.

How to proceed: create elements for testing (blog posts, updates on social networks, free trial versions, minimal viable products). This will let you see which parts are shiny and which are insane. For example, if you have a personal brand, you can write a blog post on the main concept of the product and calculate the responses. You can create a landing page and request a customer email address. Already this is enough to understand if you will have at least some sales.
When you figure out which parts of the product are most important to consumers, repeat testing and do it regularly. This is useful not only in order to track performance and fine-tune, but also in order to promote the product. The more often he flashes in posts, the more people can try the raw version for free, the higher sales will then be.

4. Customers leave positive feedback.

There are many goods, and it is impossible to try everything. Therefore, people often rely on someone else's opinion. And most online stores and search engines remember this: they rank offers by popularity. If they say little about you, then you have no chance in the market.

How to act:Stimulate reviews and conversations around your product. You can achieve this in completely different ways: launch a survey game, offer customers a bonus for feedback, create a cool support service that will instantly fix any bugs. Another option, which Super Ego uses, is to form a community around the product: loyal customers communicate with each other and readily recommend the product to relatives. There is only one prohibited trick - to write positive reviews by the team and mishandled Cossacks. Users quickly figure out insincere comments, and this undermines the credibility of the product.

5. Promotion goes according to the marketing plan

It's time to get rid of the illusion that a good product will sell itself. Marketing must begin before the product enters the market.

How to proceed: create a marketing plan to determine how to talk about the benefits and features of your product. The same plan will help you choose the best promotion tactics, for example, advertise on major specialized portals or reach out to opinion leaders on Instagram in your area. Look at the competitors: what they put the price, how they talk about themselves, what distribution channels they use. This will help to be better than them.

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