Course search: how to build a learning path

Three years ago, I published an article on the idea of ​​“dynamic courses” (those that are generated from the knowledge base at the time of the user's request), and a little later I developed a simple service that implements it. Now this service is available on another site and, in fact, is a library of atomic content (articles, videos and calculations, mainly in mathematics), from which, in accordance with predefined relationships, such micro courses are formed. I call them dynamic, however, in the spirit of modern terminology, it would be correct to use the term learning paths. I want to say right away that I created Kursopoisk, first of all, for myself, in order to quickly find the right content and remember the material that I once understood, and then safely forgot.

The principle of the formation of the trajectories is illustrated in the figure and was described in detail in the previous article , so I will not repeat it, but will talk about what has changed.

How does it work?

To go to the desired course:

  1. Enter a keyword or part of it in the search bar, for example, “derivative”.
  2. Click the red button Find Content .
  3. If any topics are found, they will be listed below as buttons

It is enough to press the button with the name of the topic you are interested in, so that the contents of the corresponding micro course will open under it, i.e. A list of links to videos, articles, wikis, calculations, etc., extracted from the knowledge base.

Some links will be provided with short explanations and additional mathematical calculations (in PDF format). A colored entry highlights a key article from the knowledge base, as well as links to additional information: bibliographic, external online courses, webinars, etc. I added these links recently, and they are not present in every microcourse yet. I’m thinking of developing this functionality further in order to make from Kursopoisk a complete recommendation system for choosing online courses (in fact, this is where the name comes from).

By the way, you can recommend me a successful (from your point of view) course that suits a particular topic. To do this, just click this button, and then write me an e-mail, saving the microcourse identifier in it.

So far, the content of micro courses and recommendations of external resources have been compiled by me. Those. from the point of view of classification, Kursopoisk is a typical expert system - a slightly forgotten format for representing knowledge.

It is important that Mathcad, which I use for calculation examples, has a free version of Mathcad Express , which can be used for 50-60% of knowledge base documents, and also as a calculation viewer for 100% of documents.

About plans

To date, I have almost finished laying out my materials on the following topics:

  • algebra and mathematical analysis
  • linear algebra
  • differential equations
  • data analysis
  • numerical methods
  • mechanics (partially)
  • Mathcad calculations

The relationship of these and planned sections is depicted in the figure:

Monetization, in fact, as it was, is not, the library is free. In the future I will try to implement the idea with links to external courses, the help in choosing which will allow the user to draw up a suitable learning path for himself.

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