Registration for NeoQUEST-2020: Post-Apocalyptic World Open

Hooray! We have opened registration for the annual cybersecurity competition NeoQUEST-2020!

This time, the individual CTF will begin on March 12 at 12:00 Moscow time and will last until 12:00 Moscow time on March 26 ! You will have exactly 14 days to save mankind from global cooling and the rise of machines. Welcome to kat: we’ll tell you more about the tasks and the upcoming “Confrontation”!

Okay, Habr, what is NeoQUEST?

NeoQUEST is an annual individual cyber security competition in CTF format, held for almost 8 years now.

As always, NeoQUEST takes place in 2 stages:

  1. Online- — , .
  2. « » — , :

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  • real-time ;
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  • hackquest - the final of the competition for the best participants in the online phase: 8 hours of real-time assignments, after which the winner is announced, receiving the main prize - a trip to one of the international conferences on cybersecurity!

Agenda: online phase of NeoQUEST-2020!

There are three things you need to know about NeoQUEST-2020:

  1. We will start on March 12 ! There is very little time left before the start, so don’t pull the rubber and rather register on the site.
  2. NeoQUEST - individual CTF-competition, which anyone can take part in! We have done tasks of various types of complexity that will appeal to both beginners in cybersecurity and experienced seasoned ones!
  3. Are you not with us yet? Then here’s another fact for you: the best participants will receive an invitation to the “Face-to-face bid” in St. Petersburg, nice gifts, and the top three winners will also receive cool prizes!

We have a dynamic scale for accruing points for tasks: the number of points for completing a task depends on the number of participants who defeated it and on the time spent on its implementation. Therefore, it makes sense to tackle tasks that no one has yet decided - there is a chance to hit the big jackpot!

So what did you come up with this time?

The legend of NeoQUEST-2020 is based on the secret fear of every robophobe - the uprising of cars!
According to legend, the old world has disappeared (and this is not due to the disconnection of the Internet). Now there is eternal snow everywhere and terrifying robots trying to find the remains of human settlements.

NeoQUEST participants will have to find a new safe haven, while avoiding all kinds of traps and harassment of the insurgent vehicles.

NeoQUEST-2020 Quests

You will have 14 days to solve tasks from different areas of cybersecurity. Let us open the veil of secrecy so that you can properly prepare for the competition!

  1. What happens if we mix forensics, exploitation of vulnerabilities in one pile and spice it all up with image analysis? Mmm, yummy!
  2. Afraid of elliptical curves? Don’t worry, they’re more afraid of you :) Examine their use in cryptography as you should and you will be happy - because in our assignment we will show what hidden threats may contain “safe”, at first glance, systems.
  3. Traditional OSINT: look at the robot’s attempts to become a man and find his password on the World Wide Web!
  4. Do you know everything about bots in Telegram? Are you sure? We did an assignment that uses interesting features - be sure to try to pass it!
  5. Tyzhprogrammer, which means reverse Android-application for you once-spit will be very easy! We do not doubt you!
  6. Pss, how about a little esoteric? We do not promise ghosts, but you still have to look deep into the usual things! Ready to leave the mind and send your intuition to flight?
  7. And the cherry on the cake: search for web vulnerabilities, where without it!

Of course, we have in store for you a few more surprises, but you will know about them very soon! And don’t worry - the NeoQUEST team is always in touch at You can see the detailed analysis of the tasks of the past years here and here .

And then what?

Based on the results of the online phase, we will reward the winners who have shown the best result and send invitations to the “Face-to-face bid”, which will traditionally be held in June in St. Petersburg. Great time, great city, great excuse - is it not happiness?

More information about upcoming events is available on the combined NeoQUEST website and the scientific and technical conference of the MiTSOBI conference and in the VKontakte group . And now is the time to start actively replenishing the supply of cyber knowledge, because before the start of the online phase of NeoQUEST-2020 there is not much time left!

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