Testing AMD Ryzen processors to work with KOMPAS-3D

Last summer, AMD released the third generation of Ryzen processors, and we could not miss this event. Technical support often receives questions about the operation of KOMPAS-3D on a certain hardware, or users are asked to recommend the optimal computer configuration. Therefore, we turned to AMD with a proposal to test their processors. Stanislav Ermokhin, head of the technical support and training department at the ASCON-Volga Regional Center, talks about the test results .

In this post, we will examine the tests of the 3rd generation AMD processors that are currently available, compare them with the processors of previous generations, and also, to understand the general situation, compare them with competitive solutions.

The speed of KOMPAS-3D on a particular computer depends on the characteristics of individual components, including the processor, on whose shoulders the file processing is laid upon opening, rebuilding models, calculating and forming arrays, and forming types of associative drawing. Therefore, it can be argued that KOMPAS-3D, like any other CAD, is a processor-dependent application. It is important for us and our users to understand how the choice of processor affects the performance of the system.

Our internal test, created at KOMPAS Lab, allows us to evaluate and compare different hardware on a sequence of a set of identical tests.
This set contains the commands and actions that most of our users have to perform in 3D modeling of parts and assemblies:

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The experimental model itself deserves special attention, which contains all the basic solid-state operations (extrusion, rotation, along the trajectory and along sections), flat and spatial curves. It also has more than a dozen arrays that so much concern our users.

So, the processors of the fresh 3rd generation Ryzen turned out to be available for testing:
AMD Ryzen 5 3400G
AMD Ryzen 5 3600
AMD Ryzen 7 3700X
AMD Ryzen 7 3800X

An interesting situation regarding the solutions of the previous two generations, namely:
AMD Ryzen 5 2400G
AMD Ryzen 7 1700
AMD Ryzen 5 2600
AMD Ryzen 7 2700
AMD Ryzen 7 2700X

And as a trigger for competitive solutions, we consider three Intel processors:
Intel Core i7-8700K
Intel Core i5-9600K
Intel Core i7-9700K The

rating of our automatic test must be considered through the following ratings:

  • 800 or less points - a frankly weak result for the processor;
  • up to 1000 points - average result;
  • over 1000 points - a good result for the processor, allowing you to solve problems of your level.

A few words about the benchmark from the developers:
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So, we made a description of our benchmark, it's time to introduce you to the test results. For each of the processors, we performed several attempts and took the overall average result.

As you can see from the graph, all processors (with the exception of the lowest AMD Ryzen 5 3400G) not only passed the bar of 1000 points, but also showed a significant margin of not less than 1500 points.
In comparison with competitors, we can say that AMD’s estimates were very correct: AMD Ryzen 7 3800X and AMD Ryzen 7 3700X showed a result comparable to Intel Core i7-9700K, but AMD Ryzen 5 3600 showed a result similar to Intel Core i7-8700K and Intel Core i5-9600K.
It is worth noting that the Intel Core i7-8700K is one of the most common among the processors on which we and our users have tested.

Next, we compare the different generations of AMD Ryzen processors available for our testing.

The younger model of the AMD Ryzen 5 3400G processor in comparison with its counterpart of the previous generation showed an 11.5% performance increase.

The average AMD Ryzen 5 3600 model showed a more impressive result of 22.4% compared to the second-generation processor.

AMD Ryzen 7 3700X was able to compare with the previous two generations. It turned out that between AMD Ryzen 7 1700 and AMD Ryzen 7 2700 the difference is + 21.3%. Between AMD Ryzen 7 3700X and AMD Ryzen 7 2700 - already 23.4%. The difference between AMD Ryzen 5 3700X and AMD Ryzen 5 2700X is 13.4%, which is similar to the lower model. Apparently, these processors are groping for the performance limit of the current generation and can not boast of a large increase in performance.

Charts and glasses in the ranking are certainly good, but what do they mean for the end user? Indeed, simply an increase of 11.5% or 22.4% of the points does not say anything special. But these indicators mean that the average speed of opening KOMPAS-3D documents from disk increased by 11.5% or 22.4%, operations and model rebuilding will be faster. And, of course, arrays, where without them, will also be faster.

It should be recalled that the central processor is responsible for the process of forming the types of associative drawing, and increasing the performance of processors directly affects the speed of formation of these types. The formation of species can be done in parallel, provided that you have a multi-core processor, and AMD Ryzen 5 has six such cores, and AMD Ryzen 7 already has eight.

What are our conclusions:

  1. AMD processors can be used in graphic stations to work in KOMPAS-3D.
  2. All processors showed good results, but AMD Ryzen 5 3600 is especially worth highlighting. This processor shows consistently good results at low cost and can be used to build graphic stations when working in KOMPAS-3D.
  3. The latest generation of AMD processors is on a par with Intel processors, that is, the picture below is also valid for KOMPAS-3D.

In the near future, Intel will take its step and release an updated line of processors of the 10th generation. We expect, we will test and release a detailed report on new processors.

ASCON thanks AMD and Konstantin Voron personally for their help in preparing the material.

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