Materials from the Nizhny Novgorod Android mitap. MotionLayout, Kotlin Coroutines, CI / CD infrastructure and design systems

Hello everyone! Last Saturday, February 29, our first mitap for Android developers was held in Nizhny Novgorod. Speakers made presentations on creating beautiful animations using MotionLayout, Kotlin Coroutines, CI / CD infrastructure for Android and the Avito design system.

Under the cutscene, you will find videos of all speeches with timecodes for easy navigation, links to presentations and a photo report from the mitap.

Video Recordings

We moved the infrastructure for Android to open source - Sergey Boishtyan, Avito

The Avito Speed ​​unit develops tools for CI / CD Android, iOS and web monolith. The guys have been developing the CI / CD infrastructure for Android for more than 3 years, and at the beginning of 2020 brought it to open source.

Sergey told what benefit we see when working in open source, and how to use our code. You will learn why to start working with the repository, where to ask questions and what tasks can be solved using our tools.

In the broadcast about this report, the listener wrote β€œA very pleasant presentation, like modern stand-up comedians have,” so we recommend it not only for informational purposes, but also for entertainment.

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00:03 β€”
01:25 β€” ,  
02:51 β€”
08:42 β€”  open source
16:30 β€” open source
18:35 β€”
21:24 β€”  
27:12 β€”  

MotionLayout. ,   β€” , MERA

 , MotionLayout   .   ,   . , Google  , .

  MotionLayout    .

00:00 β€”
01:44 β€”  MotionLayout
04:52 β€”  MotionScene
08:20 β€”
31:38 β€”
33:50 β€” MotionLayout,
36:35 β€”  


- β€” ,

 , -, . UI  .

00:00 β€”
00:34 β€” -
04:15 β€”  
08:00 β€”  Design App
12:09 β€”
16:47 β€” Lint
19:49 β€”
26:07 β€”
27:31 β€”  


Kotlin Coroutines β€” , Android β€” , Android Broadcast

"Kotlin Coroutines First"  .  , Android-   Kotlin Coroutines   ,  Jetpack   .

00:00 β€”
02:09 β€”      Android
05:57 β€” Java- vs coroutines
08:17 β€” Structured concurrency
11:23 β€” Flow: Coroutine
16:54 β€” ViewModel + Coroutines + KTX
18:35 β€” LiveData + Coroutines + KTX
24:18 β€” Lifecycle + Coroutines + KTX
26:55 β€” Coroutine
29:04 β€”    Coroutine
31:57 β€”    Flow
33:39 β€” Android   Coroutine
37:22 β€”
39:45 β€”  


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