Frontend section on DUMP2020: we’ll vanguard that there will be a full house again. Top reports of last year and topics of this

Who agrees that a modern front-end is difficult, raise your hands! What are we suffering for setting up Webpack for? Why does the SSR implementation require writing so much code, and do we really need it at that cost? Who is to blame and what can we, as developers, do?

We try to answer these and hundreds of other questions in the Frontend section. And from year to year, topics are becoming more diverse and hardcore. And the main leitmotif of the section is experiments.
Look under the cut, who experimented on what last year, and what they will tell and show in this

Top 2019 Themes

At the Yekaterinburg DUMP last year, the first place went to the report of Alexander Korotaev ( Everyone knows that WebGL is very fast. I want to immediately rewrite everything on it, but the technology looks like it flew to the web from another planet. The standard is almost 9 years old, and there are very few specialists in it.

Alexander told how to draw 2D quickly, but simply, using games as an example, without clogging his head with matrices and a complex API. The report discusses the concepts of pre-rendering, shaders, and using the React tree to quickly draw on the plane.

Vitaly Dmitriev from 404Group collected the same full house on the topic of reactive programming . Vitaliy said that the reactive paradigm has been implemented for many years in the gadgets and digital ecosystems that surround us. Every day we use devices that can control other devices, but if we try to reproduce their logic in our applications, we get a heavily expandable, proactive system. Why?

Many schools and tutorials teach us how to create entities that are directly responsible for managing certain components. In complex large projects, after a couple of years, this turns into a complicated nightmare and no modern tool can solve this problem while developers write proactive code.

For how to think reactively rather than proactively, see the talk below:

Alexandra Shinkevich talked about how to implement development standards so that no one is hurt . Almost every team has an ongoing debate on topical issues: “Tabs or spaces?”, “Do you need to indent between brackets?”, “Single or double quotes?”, “Do you need to put semicolons at the end of lines?”. And this is just the beginning of the list. But is it really necessary to discuss this every time a new project starts, a code review is done, or does a new developer come to the team?

At Kazan DUMP, Denis Kolesnikov from Avito told the difficult story of updating the technology stack in a project with a long history . It's almost like sorting through an airplane engine on the fly. Denis tells how iteratively, progressively they changed the frontend in Avito, implemented server rendering, dependency management of microfronts, as well as what rake they met and what conclusions they made from all this.

This report is for middle and senior developers working with a large centralized code base (and those who want to cut this code base).

Graphic content is half the average web page. To properly prepare this half, you need to understand how the pictures are arranged and what you can do with them .

Polina Gurtova (Evil Martians) analyzed the anatomy of different formats (PNG, JPG, WebP, SVG and others) and told how to choose the right one.

She immediately explains why choosing a format is just a small step on the fun path of optimizations and tells you what to do next.

SvelteJS is one of the fastest growing JavaScript frameworks. Can he displace from the standpoint of React, Angular and Vue?

Pavel Malyshev, the project maintainer and facilitator of the Russian-speaking community, spoke about the current state of the SvelteJS framework, its ecosystem and community, as well as why it is not “yet another JS framework” and you should take a closer look at it.

At the anniversary DUMP2020 in Yekaterinburg, the Frontend section hall will now accommodate 400 people. We’ll vangue that this room will be 100% filled in some reports.

Section program committee: Polina Gurtovaya (Evil Martians) and Yegor Khodyrev (Tochka) talked about what topics are waiting and which are already announced.

Concept and application DUMP2020

We are looking for reports in Russian and English lasting 30-40 minutes. If you haven’t performed anywhere before - no problem. We will help you think through the structure, collect content and rehearse the presentation.

For inspiration, we have prepared a list of topics that interest us. The list is not exhaustive; we are open to the new and are considering any applications.

Key topics

  • Tools: IDEs, plugins, linters, builders
  • Methodologies, architecture and principles: SOLID, microservices, BEM
  • Optimization: performance, memory management, WebAssembly
  • Server Development: Node.js, V8, ChakraCore
  • State Management: Redux, MobX, Flux
  • Client data synchronization and storage: REST, GraphQL, Web Sockets
  • Mobile Development: PWA, ReactNative, VueNative
  • Desktop Applications: Electron, NW.js
  • Security: hacking and protection, vulnerabilities in npm
  • ECMAScript: Features of New Specifications
  • JS alternatives: Typescript, ClojureScript, Elm, Dart
  • Testing: Selenium, unit tests, TDD
  • Framework: React, Angular, Vue
  • Styles: Preprocessors, CSS Modules, CSS-in-JS, Styled Components
  • Graphics: SVG, WebGL, VR
  • Availability: semantics, ARIA, screen readers
  • Prototyping: Figma, design systems
  • Fan: IoT, Game Dev, experiments
  • Stories: successes and failures, interaction with business
  • Other: Web API, the future of standards, open source, package managers, etc.

You can apply for the report here .

Topics announced this year

Do we need N (e / u) xt.js?
(Grigory Petrov, Evrone)

In the report, Grigory uses these two frameworks to talk about the main difficulties of modern front-end development and how we can deal with them: ready-made templates, native code, or new application architectures. The speaker will show difficulties from the position “why did it happen?” and what can be done about it.

GameDev in Frontend

Anna Blok (Frontend Help, Typical Layout Designer ) and Daria Pushkarskaya (Web Hero School)
A report on the possibilities to change directions if you always dreamed of developing games.

Anna and Daria will show a list of technologies and opportunities with which games are created.
And at the end they will present their own game in order to show that there is nothing complicated.

About Lighthouse
Seryozha Popov (League A. / HTML Academy)

Lighthouse does all the dirty work for us, but we continue to ignore it. Every site and application should be tested on this tool, since in the modern world the front-end becomes important not just what the application is written on, but how fast it loads and how many users it is available. Lighthouse is easier to use than ignore. Sergey will talk about problems that are more important than they seem, and how to solve these problems with Lighthouse.

WebAssembly: new features and new problems
Polina Gurtovaya (Evil Martians)

In the report we will understand what WebAssembly is.

Let's talk about WebAssembly as a non-web format, discuss how WebAssembly lives in browsers.

Using V8 as an example, let’s see how JS and WASM are executed. Let's try to understand what affects the execution speed of JS and WASM, and in which cases WASM is faster. And finally, we will discuss the current status of the technology and the possibilities of its application.

Managing monorepositories with NX
Anton Nikulin (

Today, almost any large web application consists of many smaller ones, which, in turn, use different libraries. If each such independent module is in its own repository, then updating even one library starts updating all dependencies in the chain.

Updating today is also not so simple - at every stage of this chain it is necessary to go through the CI path. And these are new potential problems: incompatibility of versions, dropped tests, outdated version and so on. If thinking about it hurts you, then this report is for you.
Anton will tell you how convenient it is to place everything in one repository using NX, how you can split the application into small parts without pain. Let's talk that it will give you how to sell it to the team and the business. We look “under the hood”, and then look at the pitfalls. In the end, we'll figure out how to implement NX at home.

These are just a few applications that the program committee has managed to consider, but the more applications, the better the program!

Would you like to speak at the largest developer conference in the Ural Federal District in the new Congress Hall in the hall for 400 people?

Apply before it's too late.

Or come / come to DUMP on May 15 to listen to the topics that went through a brutal meat grinder;)

In addition to the main program, we promise a lot of interesting things .

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