March IT Events Digest

As always, we mark the beginning of the month with a summary of upcoming events for developers. With the approach of the vernal equinox, a rare equilibrium is also being established in the IT community - in this issue there is enough of everything: development languages, data science, hackathons, testing.

Samara Python Meetup

When: March 5
Where: Samara, ul. Novo-Sadovaya, 23
Terms of participation: free of charge, registration is required

BigData and Embedded devices are named as key topics of the upcoming meeting. Representatives of the local community who have prepared two reports will disclose them in their speeches: the first will focus on the implementation of MicroPython, its purpose, advantages and disadvantages, and the second - on the process of preparing the machine learning model for production. Between reports, the audience will also have the opportunity to show off knowledge on a quiz, entirely devoted to Python development issues.

e-Legion-meetup :: Android Development

When: March 5
Where:St. Petersburg, Primorskiy pr., 70, bld. 1
Terms of participation: free, registration is required

JetBrains company organizes a mini-party for Android developers in its office, everyone who loves Kotlin and pizza is invited. Technical reports were made at the beginning of the event, the second part will be devoted to discussions on topics of professional growth and motivation.

Open Data Day in Moscow 2020

When: March 6-7
Where: Moscow, 2nd Donskoy pr., 9
Participation conditions: free, registration is required

The event will be held as part of the international initiative International Open Data Day, which promotes the idea of ​​transparency in the activities of government bodies, non-profit organizations and businesses. The current state of affairs, the scope and content of the necessary changes will be discussed on six thematic tracks (open state data, city and spatial data, date journalism, data design and visualization, data for NGOs and social changes, data and social sciences). Two data analysis workshops will be held separately (processing, validation and visualization of data from bulletin boards; forecasting the spread of the COVID-19 virus).

Flutter Study Jam

When: March 10
Where: Saransk, ul. Bolshevik, 60
Terms of participation:free, registration is required

In the light of the recent announcement of Flutter for Web and the growing popularity of the framework as a whole, Foxdevs enthusiasts are urging not to miss the chance to get free use of this technology. At the workshop, there is a place for both beginners and those who write on Flutter for a long time and confidently, but are glad to learn something new and deal with difficult questions with colleagues.

.NET Evening

When: March 12
Where: St. Petersburg, st. Leo Tolstoy, 1-3
Terms of participation: free, registration is required

A small but informative meeting for the .NET community for two reports. The first will be devoted to all aspects of implementing MongoDB in a .NET project - from evaluating the productivity of this venture in general to convincing management and preparing for future difficulties. The second report will focus on F # and the positive changes that it brings to the development process.


When: March 13
Where: Kazan, st. Petersburg, 52
Terms of participation: 6500 rubles.

The site will bring together developers, system administrators and analysts working with 1C to discuss the specific problems encountered in the work. The reports will address both technical issues (growth of 1C complexity, experience with Slack integration, a case with building a CRM system), and organizational issues - communication with the customer, recruitment in the "overheated" market, documentation.

ML Hack

When: March 13-15
Where: St. Petersburg, Exchange line, 15
Participation conditions: free of charge, registration is required

The hackathon organizer, Botan Investments, offers teams a whole range of tasks related to different areas of machine learning: from optimizing video traffic to counting calories, from voice processing to weather forecasting. A total of six cases are presented, with the winners being determined in six relevant nominations. Prize fund - 425,000 rubles. Not only developers and designers who want to work on the task in real time, but also teams with ready-made solutions can apply for participation (until March 10).

HUAWEI Developer Day

When: March 19
Where: St. Petersburg, Nevsky Prospekt 57
Participation conditions: free of charge, registration is required

The opportunity to experience the new HUAWEI Mobile Services platform and learn all about its capabilities first hand. A workshop devoted to the development of new tools, including the App Gallery app store, will be held in the afternoon; The first part of the day was devoted to the theoretical part - the creators of the platform will talk about the latest innovations and plans for the future, partners (Aliexpress, Cardsmobile, Yandex Zen, Zaycev) will share cases.

HackUniversity 2020

When: March 20-22
Where: St. Petersburg, ul. General Khruleva, 9A, “St. Petersburg Film Studios” building
Participation conditions: free of charge, registration required

IT-competition for students and graduates of Russian universities - each team represents a particular university and potentially brings him fame. Tasks for the hackathon are set by companies from the Russian market in accordance with the real needs of the business; In total, about a dozen directions have been announced (machine learning and artificial intelligence, drones, digital platforms, mobile services, neural interfaces, AR and others). The best projects can receive different types of awards: cash prizes from the organizers, investments from investors (from 500,000 to 3 million rubles), support for their own universities, touched on cooperation with large companies. Additionally, a series of workshops on a number of technologies will be held at the venue.

Web @ Cafe # 21

When: March 21
Where: Omsk, ul. Dumskaya, 7
Conditions of participation: free of charge, registration is required.

Free format conference for all those involved in the development, studying for development or sympathizing with the development. Announcements of each fresh addition to the program are placed in the event group. At the moment, it is expected to discuss the latest IT news, analyze the connection between Flutter and the Web, a question-answer session and many other topics in the future.

Backend meetup

When: March 21
Where: Voronezh, st. Proletarskaya, 87
Terms of participation: free of charge, registration is required

Mitap about everything that happens under the hood of mobile and desktop applications. The event focuses on the following languages: Ruby, Golang, Rust, Node.js, Python, Elixir, each of which will find its place in the list of reports. Specialists from domestic companies (Evrone, Data Art) will act as speakers. At the moment, the program continues to be formed.


When: March 25
Where: Moscow, 1st Zachatievsky per., 4
Terms of participation: from 12 900 rubles.

Big event dedicated to big data. To structure an impressive amount of expertise, the program has identified three main areas (data as a strategic asset; practical experience with data; infrastructure, tools, big data and analytics services) and a number of thematic sessions (people analytics, industrial, video analytics and visualization). The composition of the speakers is made up of representatives of large Russian business and government agencies.

Object Thinking # 6: David West in Moscow

When: March 25
Where: Moscow, ul. Myasnitskaya, 13, p. 18
Terms of participation: free of charge, registration is required

David West, author of the books Object Thinking, Design Thinking, Natural Systems Design and the person with the greatest possible experience in the profession of “developer”, comes to Moscow to talk with a local audience about the vitality and potential of object-oriented programming. In addition to speaking on the topic, a full-fledged meeting with the event star will be organized at which participants will be able to ask questions and express opinions.

FailConf 2020

When: March 27
Where: Yekaterinburg, ul. Bahchivanji, 55A.
Terms of participation: 5000 rubles.

The most honest conference, where speakers talk about cases from practice, when everything started well, and then something went wrong, identify errors and analyze the experience gained. Representatives of Skyeng, Examus, SKB Kontur, Beavers Brothers and others have already announced their participation, however, the topics of speeches have not been disclosed for the time being.

Moscow Python Conf 2020

When: March 27
Where: Moscow, 1st Zachatievsky per., 4
Terms of participation: 25 110 rubles.

This year, an international conference for Python developers will bring the community a lot of new and interesting. As always, the program of speeches includes Russian and foreign practitioners with substantive reports (working with legacy code, using libraries like Hypothesis for testing, data validation with Cerberus, and so on); in addition, a number of master classes and interest meetings are planned (creating digital porters, using cloud development tools, asynchronous interaction with PostgreSQL). It is worth paying attention to the Unconference section, where less traditional forms of material presentation are collected: career map, expert area, where your code will be analyzed and evaluated, blitz reports. Also this time, each participant will receive a booklet with useful materials as a gift.

Krasnodar Backend miniConf 2020

When: March 29
Where: Krasnodar, st. Gymnasium, 65
Terms of participation: 500 rubles.

Laconic conference on the backend in its various manifestations: server development, administration, monitoring. Speakers' speeches will cover topics such as the differences and advantages of microservice architecture compared to monolithic, the use of RedHat OpenShift when creating an environment for working with architecture, the adequate use of regular expressions, and the elimination of vulnerabilities.

TestCon Moscow 2020

When: March 31 - April 2
Where: Moscow, Izmailovskoye Shosse, 71, 3B
Terms of participation: from 33,000 rubles.

A major specialized event is intended for everyone who is striving to improve the quality of software - testers, quality engineers and developers. The three-day program offers several formats for participation: listening to speeches (more than thirty reports from experts from around the world), attending master classes (practical knowledge presented by professionals - only six topics), talking by speakers in special zones, participating in a quiz. Among the key participants declared Neil Malotow, Egor Bugaenko, Bjorn Boyschot, Ron Werner.

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