WiFi 6 is here: what the market offers and why do we need this technology


Over the past couple of decades, many wireless devices and wireless technologies have appeared. Homes and offices are filled with all kinds of gadgets, most of which can connect to the network via WiFi. But here's the problem - the more such gadgets per unit area, the worse the connection characteristics. If this goes on, it will simply be impossible to work in a wireless network - already now “overpopulation” is making itself felt in apartment buildings and large offices.

This problem should be solved by a new technology - WiFi 6, which appeared relatively recently. Now the WiFi 6 standard has become a reality, so you can hope for the soon appearance of a large number of devices compatible with the new technology.

What should we build a WiFi network

The bandwidth of a WiFi 6-based channel could theoretically reach 10 Gb / s. But this is only in theory, such characteristics can be achieved only close to the access point. However, the increase in data transfer speed is impressive, WiFi 6 provides a 4-fold increase in bandwidth.

But the main thing is still not speed, but the ability of devices that support the new standard to work in a complex environment with a large number of access points per unit area. This has already been mentioned above. This is made possible by the presence of many MU-MIMO antenna transceivers.

A single WiFi 6 access point can handle traffic for eight separate devices without loss of speed. All previous standards provided for speed sharing between users, with alternate access to client devices. WiFi 6 allows you to plan the device’s broadcast on the air, taking into account the requirements of the application, which transfers information at a particular point in time. Accordingly, data transmission delays are minimized.

Another plus of the new technology is the possibility of multiple access with frequency division multiplexing. This technology is called OFDMA and is not new. But before it was used mainly in mobile networks, but now it has been integrated into WiFi systems.

One would think that WiFi 6 consumes a lot of energy to implement all this. But no, on the contrary, gadgets with support for the new wireless standard have lower power consumption. Technology developers have added the new Target Wake Time feature. Thanks to it, gadgets that do not transmit data go into sleep mode, which reduces network congestion and extends battery life.

Where will WiFi 6 be used?

First of all, in places with the maximum concentration of devices with wireless communication modules. This, for example, large companies with large offices, public places - airports, restaurants, parks. It is also an industrial facility where the Internet of things works and many network-connected systems.

Another possibility is VR and AR, because for the normal operation of these technologies it is necessary to receive and transmit large amounts of data. Network congestion leads to the fact that VR and AR applications, which depend on network connections, begin to work worse than usual.

The Internet at the stadiums will finally work smoothly, so that fans can order drinks and food without leaving the place. For retail, this technology is also important as companies can quickly identify customers by providing personalized service.

The industry will also be willing to work with WiFi 6, since now the wireless network can’t cope with the transfer of a huge amount of data from device to device, and in a couple of years it will be even more difficult.

Friendship WiFi 6 with 5G

Our previous article described in detail why these two technologies are better together than each individually. The fact is that they make it possible to transfer data very quickly. But if 5G works better in open areas, then WiFi 6 works great in enclosed spaces like offices, industrial sites, etc.

It must be assumed that in the same public places WiFi 6 will complement 5G, giving users the opportunity to work on the network without interference even in very busy conditions. An example of this is smart street and building lighting systems. 5G can easily be used to control street lights. But WiFi 6 is better for controlling smart gadgets indoors.

By the way, in Russia, where the most suitable frequencies for 5G belong to the military, WiFi 6 can become a partial solution to the problem.

Devices supporting WIFi already in Russia

Access points and other equipment with support for the standard WiFi 6 will soon begin to enter the mass market. Already, access point models with the appropriate wireless module are ready. Such gadgets are released by Zyxel, TP-Link, D-Link, Samsung.

Zyxel in Russia offers a dual-band access point The WAX650S is equipped with a smart antenna developed by Zyxel that monitors and optimizes the connection with all devices to ensure maximum performance all the time. The use of a smart antenna prevents connection instability and eliminates data transmission delays due to interference.

Other devices will soon appear, their entry into the Russian market is scheduled for 2020.

It is worth noting that to power such devices, switches with increased PoE are needed. They allow you not to pull a separate power cable to each point, but to power it directly via an Ethernet cable. Soon, the switches will also be available.

What's next?

Technology does not stand still and the current moment is no exception. Just appeared, WiFI 6 technology is already being improved. So, after some time, WiFi 6E technology will be developed, which will allow you to transfer data even faster than before, and almost without interference.

By the way, there were companies that, without waiting for the completion of the certification process, began to develop new devices based on 6E. By the way, the frequency spectrum that will be allocated for this technology is 6 GHz. This solution allows you to slightly relieve the 2.4 GHz and 6 GHz bands.

Broadcom has already released the first chips with 6E support , despite the fact that not even a standard has been developed for it.

As mentioned above, over time, manufacturers will try to make friends with WiFi 6 and 5G. It is still difficult to say who will succeed best.

In general, WiFi 6 is not a panacea for IT; this technology also has disadvantages. But it makes it possible to solve the most important problem for modern society and business - data transfer in congested channels. And at the moment, this nuance is so important that WiFi 6 can even be called a revolutionary technology.

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