Spring Professional Certification 5 Submission Experience

Hello everyone. For those who wish to pass the Spring Professional Certification 5 from Pivotal, I would like to share my experience.


The official Spring Framework website redirects to the Pivotal page with a detailed description of the exam, requirements and an offer to buy this exam.

In the description of the exam there is a summary of topics and sample questions on these topics. This is useful in preparation, so we take the pdf to ourselves.

After the purchase, you will receive an email with further instructions. The instructions will say that you must go to the platform www.examslocal.comwhere the exam will be conducted online. It is worth mentioning that if you register your name in Latin, then you should have at hand a supporting document with your name in Latin. I had a small incident with this. After registering the full name in Latin, when demonstrating on a web camera an identity card (hereinafter Udo) with the full name in Cyrillic, the inspector refused to accept, because it did not match the characters. (it’s good that on the back of the Udo there was a name in Latin).

After the purchase, you will have 3 months to pass the exam, otherwise the attempt will “burn out". And within 3 months you must choose the date and time for the exam. Passing the exam is possible at the weekend.


Directly on the preparation itself, a large number of articles were written, my road map is as follows:

  1. The Pivotal Spring Certification page has a list of sample questions divided by topic. It will be necessary to parse each question. The source of answers for me was the book Spring in Action and the official documentation.
  2. Also on the network there is a squeeze of answers (the database is a bit outdated) leanpub.com/corespring5certificationindetail
  3. And of course mock tests, the choice fell on itestjava.com

It took me 2 months to do everything about everything. It all depends on the experience with the framework. According to the testing itself, it is necessary to answer correctly 38 out of 50. A standard test with one or more correct answer options.

Exam day

Before that, I only dealt with test centers (Pearson VUE). In the test centers, all that was required was to arrive on time, provide Udo and begin testing. With online testing, things are much more complicated.

First, you need to make sure that your PC meets examslocal requirements for online testing. On the site, in the “Compatibility Tool” tab, there is a tool that checks for compliance with the necessary requirements, which include: Internet speed, operating system, browser, proprietary monitoring plug-in, etc.

You must have the Google Chrome browser installed and the plug-in indicated on the site that provides live broadcast of the monitor screen, as well as the examiner himself. It is advisable to check the computer in advance for compliance with all necessary requirements, so that if necessary, eliminate all discrepancies.

15 minutes before passing the exam, a green button will appear on your examslocal page, with the “Start exam” type. After clicking on which you will have a chat with the examiner on the other side. The dialogue will be in intermediate level English (intermediate, B1). The examiner will check the Internet connection, and in case of a bad connection, as I had (on this day in my country there were problems with access to various resources), he will suggest finding another access point for more stable streaming. It took me about an hour to bring the Internet connection to the desired speed. Under his leadership, I cleared the cache, restarted the browser, the computer, and a bunch of other interesting things that did not affect the quality of the Internet connection. I did not begin to list him, since he could easily cancel the exam, which I was most careful about. Eventually,I connected a VPN and “it more or less worked.” There were no problems with other aspects. Then he will ask you to demonstrate Udo, the room where the examiner is sitting, and if everything suits the requirements, the examiner starts the test.

Of course, with an hour of fuss with the Internet, my attention dipped a little, and the testing, which was scheduled to begin at 12:00, began at 13:00.

During testing, I left the focus of the webcam a couple of times, lounging on my side, to which the examiner made comments in the chat. Also, I lost my Internet connection for a couple of minutes, but after resuming the connection, I need to return to my personal account and the examiner will continue testing.

After the exam is completed, the general result and the number of correct answers on topics in a percentage ratio are immediately displayed, as well as the result will be sent to the post office, which is good news. In Pearson VUE, for example, you need to wait for the result from half an hour.


In the end, I managed to score a passing grade. Before the exam, it is better to check the stability of your Internet connection. The questions on the exam turned out to be a little easier than on the mock tests, so if you are good at typing on the mock tests, then you can easily pass the real test.

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