AnalogBytes Conference: Roskomnadzor, media, highload and all-all-all

Good morning, Habr!

We continue to talk about our conference AnalogBytes , to which the last two days have remained - it will be held on Thursday. The schedule has been formed, the last participants of the round tables are confirmed - in general, everything is going according to plan.

Several people asked - for some reason in the messengers, and not in the comments - but what's the point of making such a strange motley conference, which has a bit of highload for developers, and legal topics , and Roskomnadzor , and the media , and politics at the same time?

Wouldn't it be better to fly separately, cutlets separately? Well, that is, a political scientist or journalist, attracted by the letters “WADA”, will go to listen to Belyavsky’s report - what will he understand there at all?

So, this is the insidious plan ! It’s not that political scientists do not understand anything (many can do this without us), but to bring people who are actually dealing with the same topics, but from different angles, together.

How many reports have you seen in RBC or Vedomosti with Highload ++ about reports on building highly loaded electoral systems or real prospects for using blockchain in elections? Well, ok, have you even seen a correspondent for at least one such publication on Highload ++? So, we have already accredited RBC ,AFP , ZDF , SkyNews Arabia , TJournal and many others.

Have you seen many meetings of important people from high ministries at which people sit at the same table and discuss the do-it-yourself systems under discussion - the ones that these officials broke DigitalOcean again with CloudFlare yesterday ? What do you think, what percentage of officials in general really believe in the existence of such people more than in Santa Claus and Snegurochka, if they have never met one or the other in life?

That's it. So we expect it to be fun. Come (NB: ticket promo code - abchabr).

And now - the announcements of the remaining reports and round tables.

Dmitry Solopov, round table “ Bloggers, Media and the State: Media in the Global Village ”

The big round table is about how the information environment is planning to live - and whether it plans somehow - in the coming years. About fake news, the loss of reputation, bloggers, foreign agents, and everything else that the Internet has brought into our lives, which has made the mass distribution of information not only to selected publishing houses, but generally to anyone who has a smartphone.

Moderator - Dmitry Solopov, one of the most famous people in the Russian media sphere (Kommersant FM, Business FM, three times laureate of “Media Manager of Russia”, and others, and others), participants - from chief editors to bloggers.

Pavel Rassudov, round table " Theory and Practice of Direct Democracy "

The second round table is about politics and without politicians. There is no contradiction in this: we will not discuss who to choose as president, but how the governance of a country with a democratic regime can and should be arranged in theory, what kind of objective problems and limitations democracy has and how to overcome them.

Moderator - Pavel Rassudov, three times chairman of the Pirate Party of Russia (recently, however, having left it ), participants - from mathematicians to lawyers. By the way, Lex Kravetsky, who is also present on this table, is reading a separate report with us - and judging by the reviews and even the CTR of banners, this will be the most popular report of the day.

Oleg Artamonov, round table “ Fragmentation of the big Internet ”

The dialogue about where the Internet is heading is that those who made it in the 90s and even zero years used to perceive it as an all-planetary network without restrictions are fragmenting more and more under the blows of states. At the same time, it is obvious that states will not let go - too much on the uncontrolled Network is a completely objective threat to them (the other day, for example, we wrote how an Internet company that monopolized the market can covertly influence the outcome of the elections if you wish). On the other hand, the current actions of many states are an elephant in a china shop.

The moderator is Oleg Artamonov (originally announced by Artem Kiryanov, but, alas, he will be on a business trip on March 5), the participants are from the monitoring author of Roskomnadzor’s blockchain Phil Kulin to the director general of the Internet Video Association Alexei Bardin, that is, the maximum possible dipole moment of views we are provided with a problem.

Philip Kulin, the report " Community participation in the regulatory and legal activities "

Moreover, before the round table on Internet fragmentation, Phil Culin ( Escher II ) will make a separate report - on how we actually got to such a life, on the whole, from good intentions we turned to the destruction of dishware shops by elephants and is there anything possible to do now.

Sergey Nesterovich, report “ Law and number: how do they fit together?” "

One of the co-founders of the Interregional Information and Settlement Center ( MIRC , the domain invariably pleases all IT professionals) is about why many of the problems at the intersection of law and technology, discussed as new, actually go back centuries, as well as what lawyers expect from further development of technology.

By the way, the second co-founder of MIRC - Mona Arkhipova - is in our program committee, but she, alas, will not be able to speak.

Pavel Ivanov, report “ Innovations in Education and Their Nature ”

The head of the development of the inner-university project of the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University “Learnee” suddenly doesn’t talk about why digitalization, gamification and all the other fashionable trends in education are absolutely beautiful, but exactly the opposite: how education differs from other areas, why it may look inert and why not innovate to repair what is not broken.

It is strongly recommended to everyone who is seriously thinking about the urgent opening of their startup with training courses on the blockchain, which will surely replace all universities once and for all. They say it’s fashionable now.

Aleksey Pavlyuts, report “ Analog man in the digital age ”

Another report - which is typical from a professional in the design and deployment of cellular networks - about the fact that not technologies change a person, but a person determines which technologies will live and which ones will die unclaimed.

Again, a rather unconventional point of view in an era when every first futurologist broadcasts from the scene that in ten years everything in our mind has changed so that soon we will cease to understand the heroes of Shakespeare ( actually not ).

Dmitry Lysakovsky, report “The indecent aspects of democracy: what they don’t talk out loud ”

And in conclusion - Dmitry Lysakovsky, a lawyer, that there can be different concepts and concepts behind the word "democracy", and from merely pronouncing it, it will not become sweeter in the mouth or in society.

Well, and, of course, about what new technologies can bring to this.

Prize for the most patient

And for those who have read to the end and are interested, we announce a small prize: we will give some limited amount of free tickets to those who are the first to write a request to us in PM.

We do not know how much: we planned 10 at all, but we have a place, so if there is demand, we will increase the quota.

In the usual way, tickets can be bought on the conference website , discount - according to the abchabr promotional code.

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