Natural Language Processing Course

Hello everyone!

UPD. 03/04/2020: I was able to agree on the recording of lectures. A broadcast will be organized for the first lecture.

Huawei Russian Research Institute (Huawei RRI), as part of a program of interaction with leading Russian universities (MIPT, Moscow State University, MSTU named after N. E. Bauman), presents an open course “Natural Language Processing” or “Natural Language Processing”, which will be held at the Moscow Corps of PhysTech.

Our course is open, we will be glad to see everyone interested. As part of the course, 11 classes are planned. Each lesson consists of a lecture and a short seminar, all together for 2 hours. In addition to classes, there will be quizzes, homework and projects for participants. All course materials will be in English, seminars and part of the lectures will be delivered in Russian.

, , CRF, , Transformer. NLP : , , - .


  • NLP.
  • . TF-IDF.
  • . Word2Vec. .
  • . CRF.
  • .
  • .
  • Transformer. BERT.
  • NLP. .
  • .


  • (). 25- . Huawei (Dublin City University). « ».
  • (, ), ... 8- , . « ».

20 GPU . Russian Research Institute .

5 18:30 : . , . , 13, . 18, - (2 ). , : ., . 1, .1, . 308.

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