The digest of fresh materials from the world of the front-end for the last week No. 404 (February 24 - March 1, 2020)

We bring to your attention a selection with links to new materials from the frontend area and around it.

Media     |    Web Development     |    CSS     |    Javascript     |    Browsers     |    Entertaining


podcast Podcast “CSSSR”: News 512 - Vue.js story, React 16.13.0, acceleration of the Leroy Merlin website, Rostelecom-style advertising
podcast Podcast “Web Standards” No. 218: Again grids, gradients are getting better, blocking CSS, web components, everything about buttons and disabled
podcast Podcast “Frontend Youth (18+)” # 127: Few halves. Part One
podcast Podcast “Make Me Beautiful,” Issue No. 35 - Salaries, Deposits on Fridays and Pride of Functional Workers
video I <3 Frontend 2020 - Recording

Web development

habr Internationalization: how to make the web accessible to everyone
Do H1 tags affect Google ranking - Moz experiment
en Rome, a new JavaScript toolkit from the creator of Yarn and Babel from Facebook
en One day in life: how a front-end developer fixes a “simple” bug
en Stop using the word 'Drop-down'


habr Stylization of the good old button element
habr Old and new CSS. The history of web design
A CSS4 community group has appeared in the W3C
en Adaptive layout of the magazine grid in just 20 lines of CSS
en The effect of the line interwoven between letters in CSS
en Smart animation with custom properties
en Negative margin in CSS
en Buttono - Flexible Sass mixin BEM style buttons
en Why is CSS frustrating?
en CSS Motion Path: The End of GSAP?


habr JavaScript and something else: 4 creative approaches to measuring time in browsers
habr Maybe we should calm down a bit with JavaScript?
habr JavaScript tree shaking, like a pro
en Internationalization of JavaScript in 2020
en 4 recommendations for writing quality modules in JavaScript
en How to use the JavaScript Internationalization API
en Dynamic and asynchronous functionality in JAMstack
en 5 best JavaScript frameworks: visualization of long-term developer polls

Firefox 75 will remove https: // and www from the drop-down block of the address bar
0-day vulnerability in Chrome detected through analysis of changes in the V8 engine
Mozilla begins to implement the RLBox library isolation technology
Google has released a web page audit system for Firefox Lighthouse
Brave browser integrates access to to view deleted pages
Chrome has a dinosaur and Microsoft Edge will have surfing
en Firefox protection with WebAssembly
en “Can I ... in the new Edge?”


How digital advertising will live without cookies
The Google Images search service will display more information about images - label products, recipes and videos
Patent wars and the millionaire debater: the story of the invention of barbed wire and its most successful seller in the 19th century Editorial material
Woe updated. Why updates can deprive you of not only a smartphone, but also a car
Google will transfer all sites to mobile-first indexing within 6-12 months
Google about upcoming changes in nofollow processing

We apologize for any typos or broken / duplicated links. If you notice a problem - please write in a personal email, we try to quickly fix them.

Last week's digest .
Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin .

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