The digest of interesting materials for the mobile developer # 335 (February 24 - March 1)

In the new digest, the story of creating your own messenger, animations and HTTP requests, the latest Android 11 and falling cats, one-handed control and the psychology of games. Happy spring!

One evening, after another frustrating day, filled with attempts to balance the game, I decided that I urgently needed a rest. I’ll switch to another project, do it quickly, return the self-esteem that has rolled down during the development of the game and will take the game by storm with renewed vigor! The main thing is to choose a nice and relaxing project ... Write your own messenger? Ha! How hard can it be?

This digest is available as a weekly newsletter . And daily we send news in the Telegram channel .


(+21)  FunCorp content iOS meetup # 2
(+5)  Modern code for executing HTTP requests in Swift 5 using Combine and using them in SwiftUI. Part 1
Swift features: static URL
Interview questions for iOS developers 2020
SwiftUI: creating a sound visualizer
Configuring macOS for iOS development
Creating an endless list using SwiftUI, Combine and URLSession
Asynchronously loading images by URL in SwiftUI
Hexagonal architecture for iOS
Analysis and improvement of build time in iOS
Computed properties in Swift: safer and cleaner code

Android QR code scanner

(+14)  Animating RecyclerView easily without switching to ViewPager2
(+6) OData + RxJava + Retrofit 2 for android application
(+1)  In most cases, serialization in Android is not needed
Android Dev Podcast # 109: Android 11. Complete debriefing of changes with Google DevRel
Android Studio 3.6 released
Reactive programming with Kotlin for Android
How AndroidX changes our work with Activities and Fragments
Styling Android: overlay themes
Encrypt data on Android with Jetpack Security
Timber - a logging library for Android
What's new in CameraX
Moko Widgets: cross-platform UI for Kotlin MultiPlatform
DisneyMotions: animations and MVVM


(+104) Cascadeur: The task of a falling cat
(+34)  Blending and Unity Terrain: how to get rid of intersections and stop making the eyes hurt
(+27)  We speed up the frontend. When a lot of requests to the server is good
(+10)  How to design mobile applications for one hand
(+6) How we did a mobile bank for Aurora: development features for the domestic mobile OS
(+5)  Organization of auto tests using an example mobile application for EDMS
(+3)  Feedback form in React Native using AWS + Telegram
What I learned from my bitter experience
Podlodka # 152: Monitoring
What to do if there is nothing to do in the project: 3 tips for developers
On Russia - welcome to the game
How Waymo, through design, increased user confidence in unmanned vehicles
Case study how it doesn’t happen: to design a new mobile bank in two months
Is it really impossible to do anything in one sprint?
Why the structure of the development team can slow you down
Designing a new Microsoft Office mobile application
Random numbers and card shuffling algorithms
15 ideas for improving programming skills
Application ideas that you can start making today
Developer Experience: fundamentally more complicated than regular UX
Tips for improving the design of empty states
10 examples of using dishonest techniques in UX

Analytics, marketing and monetization

(+ 17) The  5 most idiotic mistakes in localizing computer games
(+10)  101XP Managing Director Olga Makushenko: “5 key mistakes in developing a game as a business”
(+3)  How dating applications make us lonely
Game psychology: how games change our thinking , emotions and dreams
Plants vs. testing begins Zombies 3
Roblox raised $ 150 million
Game mechanics for non-gaming applications
App Samurai received $ 2.4 million in Series A
YouPorn launched TikTok for adults
Snapask received $ 35 million for mobile education
Ikaria: dating from Secret authors
How application localization works: 7 tips from Readdle
Growth through the creation of new products for the current audience of

AI, Devices, IoT

(+39)  How to compress fastText model 100 times
(+8) GSM Location service of SIM800x modules and its work with Yandex.Locator API
(+2)  Managing smart home sensors using Google Assistant
iPhone XR became the most popular smartphone in 2019

Previous digest . If you have other interesting materials or if you find a mistake, please send it to the mail .

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