Software deployment environments


Just published a translation of Deployment environment article on Russian Wikipedia .

I publish this translation here as well. Remarks and comments are welcome.

In software deployment , an environment or tier is a computer system in which a computer program or software component is deployed and executed. In the simple case, such a deployment and immediate execution of the program on the same machine can be performed in a single environment, however, in industrial development, the separation of the development environment ('developer environment') (where the initial changes are made) and production is usedenvironment (which end users use); often with intermediate stages ('stages') in the middle. This structured release management process can have phases for deployment (rollout, rollout, rollout), testing (rollout), and rollback in case of problems.

: deployment , production -, . , , — , pre-production production .

, , develpment (DEV) production (PROD). 4- deployment, testing, model, production (DEV, TEST, MODL, PROD) c . Quality Control (QC), ; (EXP), ; Disaster Recovery (' '), . deployment, testing, acceptance and production (DTAP).

, -; , (apps) , (USER) (LOCAL).

— test dev, test, stage, . , (rolled out pushed) . experimental recovery, , — experimental , recovery production, production. , roll back , . , production ("pushing to prod") , .. . , , . Quality Assurance (QA); QA . , QA.

, , . , service pack hotfix.

: ( ), ; QC , , staging ( canary) .





CI, -

Testing/Test/QC/Internal Acceptance

. .

Staging/Stage/Model/Pre-production/External-Client Acceptance/Demo




(dev) , . — ( , , ..), , , IDE, , .., .

, , : , , "", , . , , . ( ), ; , , . " () " "" — ( ) ( ); , , , , .

, , , , . , , . , . , , , .

, . , ( ). , . .

( ) ( ), . agile . .


Stage stage- — , -. - - , . , , ( , ), .

stage- // , -. , - , .

stage- , , .

Stage- .


- live ( ) , .

; ( , ), . : ; " ", , ""; ( , — ) . , , , .

, , ( , ), — " " , .

, , , , , . staging, , , canary release. , , , .

Develpment, Staging, and Production are well-known and documented environment variables in ASP.NET Core . Depending on the specified variable, different code and different content rendering are performed, different security and debugging settings are applied.

see also

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