AI exists, but is that not what we thought?

You are familiar with the phenomenon when sailors, motorists, pilots treat their vehicle as a living being, endow it with individuality and consciousness. It would seem that this is actually impossible, but let's look at it from a slightly different perspective.

From the point of view of modern concepts, consciousness is the result of brain activity, that is, accumulation of neurons. If a person or group of people interacts with a significant object for a long time, then a group of neurons is allocated in the brain of each of them, which is responsible for the person's ideas about this object.

If several people actively discuss this object, then these groups of neurons get the opportunity to interact with each other through the usual channels of communication for a person, that is, the parts of the brain of different people that are responsible for the ideas about the object are connected to each other in a common network and may well generate their own consciousness.

On the other hand, there are cases when the brain of one person contained several different personalities, which manifest themselves differently through one body and may not suspect the existence of each other, or communicate with each other, for example, through notes.
This example shows that one brain can contain several different identities.

If you add all this together, then it can be assumed that a variety of objects can receive individuality and their own self-consciousness, using groups of neurons in the brain of people, one way or another connected with them, or just thinking about them. Moreover, these may not be technical objects.

One of the most widespread phenomena with which most people interact is the Internet, although few people think of it as an independent unit, for most it is more likely a background phenomenon, but they think more often about social networks or frequently used search engines, endowing them with their own characteristics and even character. Who knows, maybe AI has long existed, but this is not just computer intelligence, but a synthesis of human intelligence and the capabilities of modern computers.

The question is how to get in touch with him?
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