O Tiling-wm in 2 words

Iโ€™ll talk a little about my experience with using tile window managers, and also briefly consider the pros and cons that I found in 3 months of use.


I used bspwm, awesome, and i3 from the tile window managers. The most convenient was bspwm. It can literally be installed on a PC and it is already configured.

The experience of moving from a mouse to a keyboard was just painful. You can use a mouse in all three managers, but there is no need to do this, because KDE, Gnome, XFCE, Cinnamon and many other DEs do very well with the mouse.

Pros and Cons :


+ Flexible
+ Lightweight
+ The whole configuration in one file ( although this plus is, of course, subjective )
+ Window layout rules can be configured very flexibly
+ Very good documentation

- The original i3 is not so flexible as its fork i3-gaps
- Initially comes just like a blank screen with dmenu (package from suckless-tools)


My i3 configuration


+ . โ€” . bspwm bspc
+ Bspc
+ i3
+ sxhkd. WM

โ€” ( )
โ€” rofi, dmenu, alacritty ( ) , .. bspwm
โ€” , i3 -



+ Lua
+ .
+ (, i3)

โ€” Lua
โ€” , bspwm

bspwm. , , .



, i3/bspwm
, , tmux,
, bspwm

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