OWASP Moscow 2020/1


On March 5, 2020, the OZON Moscow office will host the next meeting of the Moscow branch of the OWASP community, which will bring together information security experts.

OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) brings together large companies, educational organizations and individuals from around the world. Community members write articles and tutorials, create documentation, tools and technologies to improve the security of services and applications. All OWASP developments are publicly available.

The number of seats is limited, so you need to register in advance. Please indicate your real first name / surname when registering on this site and bring your ID with you.

A video broadcast is planned on the YouTube channel .


  • 18:30 Registration
  • 19:00 « OWASP: SAMM 2», , OZON. . .
  • 19:15 « SMS-», Ramazan (r0hack), DETEACT. - SMS . , . . .
  • 19:30 «OWASP heat Sheet Series. Microservices-based security architecture documentation», . ? «OWASP heat Sheet Series»
  • 19:55
  • 20:10 «Dev, Sec, Oops: How Agile Security increases Attack Surface», . . , ?
  • 20:35 TBA
  • 21:00

Event page at meetup.com .
OWASP Moscow chapter: OWASP Moscow
OWASP Russia chat: https://t.me/OWASP_Russia
OWASP Russia channel: https://t.me/OWASP_RU

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