Haskell and C ++ were compared, and jump and cmov were compared

The funny thing is - <br> I collected the Haskell code through the LLVM backend, <br> but at the same time I compared it with GCC

The article [link] stated that the performance of Haskell code was superior to C ++ code. What immediately aroused interest, as both of them can be generated by the LLVM compiler, which means either Eskell can give more hints to the compiler, or something is wrong with the C ++ implementation. Next, we will analyze how a series of accidents in the author's actions led to incorrect conclusions, which are described in the table below (under the cut).


Recently, another article from0xd34df00dHaskell code optimization. It is compared in such cases naturally with the undeniable leader in performance - C / C ++. Then came a parsing of this article fromyleoabout what asm code is really better, and what is the difference between the implementations on different languages ​​(I recommend reading). Even earlier (about one and a half months ago), the previous article from the Haskell vs C / C ++ series was published, and I did a similar analysis, but instead of publishing it to Habr - alas, I put it in the back box. The heated discussions in the comments this week prompted me to return to the previous topic. Today I finally got that markdown document out of the drawer, dusted off the dust,finished, and provide it for your review.


, [], :

clang 9103%
gcc 9.2125%
C++ gcc 9.2163%
C++ clang 9323%

/++, .. , , " , ". "", . , , , 10- .

-, , ++ , , , . , zero-cost, , , , - ++, . , clang 3 (!) , +, , .. lang llvm — .

, : gcc clang. , . ( ), gcc . , , , , , .


, , std::min.

, std::min({delCost, insCost, substCost})
std::min(substCost, std::min(delCost, insCost)),
clang — 0.840
, .
( — 0xd34df00d)


A.unsafeWrite v1 (j + 1) $ min (substCost + substCostBase) $ 1 + min delCost insCost

, min ! (, ). , , C++ , , llvm llvm. , . , , "skell " . , " ++; , PHP" , , . :

gcc 9.21211ms1211ms
clang 91915ms852ms

stdlib gcc - std::min , ++. std::min_element. , , , :

f(int, int, int):
        cmp     esi, edi
        mov     eax, edx
        cmovg   esi, edi
        cmp     esi, edx
        cmovle  eax, esi

: cmov* = conditional move (: g — greater, le — less equal, ..).

, , , , clang, gcc, - ( rsp ):

fptr(int*, int*, int*):
        mov     eax, dword ptr [rdi]
        mov     dword ptr [rsp - 12], eax
        mov     ecx, dword ptr [rsi]
        mov     dword ptr [rsp - 8], ecx
        cmp     ecx, eax
        cmovle  eax, ecx
        mov     ecx, dword ptr [rdx]
        cmp     ecx, eax
        cmovle  eax, ecx

, clang . initializer_list asm -O1, (-O2), asm . , std::min(std::initializer_list) -, -, , .


, — , ++.

s1[i] ! ()

, , , - , , . , s1[i] ,

  let s1char = s1 `BS.index` i
  let go j | j == n = pure ()

++, , clang. .. + llvm - , -march=native. , , std::min , , ! , - , " " , .

gcc 9.21211ms1195ms1195ms
clang 91915ms742ms831ms

C++ .
C main', .
( )

, , , - , :

  size_t lev_dist(const std::string &s1, const std::string &s2) {
    const auto m = s1.size();
    const auto n = s2.size();

    std::vector<int> v0;
    v0.resize(n + 1);
    std::iota(v0.begin(), v0.end(), 0);
    auto v1 = v0;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
      v1[0] = i + 1;
      char c1 = s1[i];
      for (size_t j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
        auto substCost = c1 == s2[j] ? v0[j] : (v0[j] + 1);
        v1[j + 1] = std::min(substCost, std::min(v0[j + 1], v1[j]) + 1);
      std::swap(v0, v1);
    return v0[n];

32- int — , ( ).

gcc 9.21210ms831ms
clang 91915ms741ms

, GCC . j , GCC. clang .


-, , ++ Haskell , clang-9. , Skylake C++ . , , , Haswell, .

, , , GCC LLVM.

, , llvm, ffi, .


-, , gcc . , clang- .

, , , , (#if !defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__llvm__)), ++ , , ++ .

clang ( ) . ( )

, GCC LLVM. , asm. gcc - : , cmov* min ( , ). (3), , , ++ :

      for (size_t j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
        auto delCost = v0[j + 1] + 1;
        auto insCost = v1[j] + 1;
        auto substCost = c1 == s2[j] ? v0[j] : (v0[j] + 1);
        v1[j + 1] = std::min(substCost, std::min(delCost, insCost));

, , :

        inc     rcx  // j++
        mov     rdi, QWORD PTR [r12+rcx*8]  //  v0[j+1]
        xor     edx, edx  //  %edx
        cmp     r10b, BYTE PTR [r11-1+rcx]  // c1 == s2[j]
        setne   dl  //     %rdx
        lea     r9, [rdi+1]  //  v0[j+1] + 1
        add     rdx, QWORD PTR [r12-8+rcx*8]  //  v0[j]
        lea     rsi, [rax+1]  // %rax  v1[j]
        cmp     rdi, rax  //  v0[j+1]  v1[j]  += 1
        mov     rax, r9
        cmovg   rax, rsi  //       += 1
        cmp     rax, rdx  //  %rax, %rdx
        cmovg   rax, rdx
        mov     QWORD PTR [r8+rcx*8], rax  // v1[j+1] = ...
        cmp     rbx, rcx  // loop
        jne     .L42

, — v1[j] %rax.

LLVM, - , . , , :

.LBB1_40:                               #   in Loop: Header=BB1_36 Depth=2
        mov     qword ptr [r14 + 8*rsi + 8], rax
        mov     rdx, qword ptr [rbx + 8*rsi + 16]
        inc     rdx
        inc     rax
        xor     ebp, ebp
        cmp     cl, byte ptr [r13 + rsi + 1]
        setne   bpl
        add     rbp, qword ptr [rbx + 8*rsi + 8]
        cmp     rax, rdx
        jg      .LBB1_41
        lea     rdi, [rsi + 2]
        cmp     rax, rbp
        jle     .LBB1_44
        jmp     .LBB1_43

: jmp, j* = jump (: jg — greater, jle — less equal, ..).

v0[j+1], v0[j], cmp s1[i], cmp + jump . , , ( , ) , , . — .

str a — str a, str a — str brandom-random x2
gcc 9.21190 ms1190 ms
clang 9837 ms1662 ms

, GCC , LLVM 2 (!) , .

, . : (jump), — (cmov).
, — .

, , . , , PGO (, JIT ). , GCC PGO clang. — , . , , // , , , .

  • , —
  • , LLVM
  • , GCC LLVM ,
  • ffi. , .. , , ,

, , .

: , , "" , , . Rust (, ).


— , -
( )

, — , .. , , , s1 s2. . -, O(n*m) ( for). , . , k. , . , .

LinearLeopard .

  • : -O3 -march=native -std=gnu++17.
  • Processor: Intel i5-8250U (yes, laptop)
  • OS: Ubuntu 19.04 / Linux 5.0.0
  • The first run to accelerate the turbo boost, then take a minimum of five in a row. Deviations within 1-2%.
  • Between the launches of different 1s implementations, we’ll cool down (yes, laptop)

Added: scripts for the lazy

You can run the same thing on your hardware and tell the public the result: a link to the github .

Added: Results without -march = native

According to requests in the comments, I decided to check the influence of this flag.

Flags-O3 -march = native-O3 -march = native-O3-O3
CompilerOriginalDoped (3b)OriginalDoped (3b)
haskell / llvm--910ms-
gcc 9.21210ms831ms1191ms791ms
clang 91915ms741ms1924ms807ms

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