Millennials and Generation Alpha VS Higher Education

Generation Alpha is people born after 2010. The letter Alpha was not chosen by chance, it means that the old chronology is over and the world has moved on to a new calculus of generations.

This generation learned to use gadgets before they learned to write or read. They live in a world in which the algorithm of life is based on their own previous likes or dislikes. They understand very well the consequences of any decision / choice.
The picture has long replaced the text for them, the time of mental concentration was reduced to 1 second. That is, they know in a second whether they are interested in any material or not.

Generation Alpha does not see the difference between the real world and the virtual. Both worlds are the same and equivalent.

And they are free from different conventions, whether cultural, gender, national or political differences. Borders do not exist for them.

In order to remain in demand in the era of artificial intelligence, they will have to constantly change. They will have to constantly acquire new skills and change the type of activity in order to remain in demand.

In 10 years they will be 20 or a little less. Is it worth it to spend 5-6 years to get an academic education, in the conditions of constantly improving technologies?
At a time when their parents studied in textbooks, and their source of information has never been a physical medium?

“The New Economy and Personnel: How to Prepare for the Challenges?” - That was the name of the round table held at the Franco-Russian Chamber of Commerce with the support of Dassault Systèmes Corporation .


Participants of the round table “The New Economy and Personnel: How to Prepare for the Challenges?”

Here are some of the opinions that the Round Table speakers have highlighted. Here is what Anton Ivanov, director of the Space Center of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology , said about this :

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One of the main projects that the university is currently conducting is Digital Shipyard.
The bottom line: to carry out a thorough restructuring of the Onega Shipyard and create on the basis of a specific enterprise the most modern digital shipyard in the world. Now there is a design of this shipyard. The university is the lead organization implementing this project. Engineers, specialists, teachers and university students take an active part in this project.

Thus, these students come out ready-made professionals.

Talking about restructuring the education system is the same as talking about the need to update the antivirus. The education system, at all stages - from elementary school to higher education, should become so flexible as to have time to change with the Alpha generation.

And here it is already necessary to participate not only innovative companies collaborating with universities, thus preparing personnel for themselves, but also the state, which should provide the necessary flexibility of the system at the legislative level.

Obviously, if amendments to the student certification system or the curriculum require coordination at the level of ministries and legislative bodies, then the speed of development of the education system will be determined by the agility of officials.

Presentation of the company DassaultSystèmes

Cooperation between the higher education system and business in the face of corporations that determine the development of the economy and technological progress should find support not only among direct participants in the process.

Without this condition, the economy of any country will always be assessed as “developing”. Which, in this context, is not a compliment.

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