FunCorp iOS meetup # 2 content

On February 15, we held FunCorp iOS meetup # 2, which in terms of format turned into a full-fledged one-day conference for iOS developers, with cool experts, a quiz, merchand and prizes.

Initially, we did not limit ourselves to just one topic, so we managed to put together a program that was interesting to many. Speakers from FunCorp, Badoo, Raiffeisen Bank, Citymobil and Revolut made presentations. The event ended with a discussion on the topic “What does an iOS developer need to be in demand in 2020?”.

We share details, videos and slides.

The speakers talked about Firebase, modularization and its consequences, design system, UI Rendering and an interesting implementation of the lottery wheel in the application.

Services without a server. We use 100% Firebase
Andrey Mukhametov, FunCorp


Catastrophically useful consequences of modularization (in the world of iOS and continuous integration)
Artyom Loenko, Badoo


“Eat” design piece by piece
Ekaterina Bateeva, Raiffeisen Bank


UI Rendering on iOS
Mikhail Sorokin, CityMobile


Application lottery: rendering, animation and no fraud
Natalya Nikitina, Revolut


iOS DevTalks

Alexander Cherny, Alexey Kudryavtsev, Andrey Volodin, Ilya Merkulov and Ruslan Kavetsky came to us and tried to answer the question together, discussing basic knowledge, hard & soft skills, grades.

Of course, there was no magic pill, but it turned out to come to the following conclusions:

  1. Do not “clog” on basic knowledge - they will help you figure out what is “under the hood” and how everything works.
  2. Be confident in your knowledge and experience, but do not forget about self-criticism.
  3. Try a new one, but do not rush to implement it immediately in your projects.
  4. Grades are a relative thing. They vary from company to company and are most often determined by soft skills. But in general, you can take them like this:

  • junior - a specialist to whom the task is set, explain how to accomplish it, control each stage of the implementation;
  • middle - a specialist who is tasked, explains difficult places, sets a deadline;
  • senior - a specialist who takes off a task and asks when it will be completed.

And the connecting thread of the whole discussion: stay true to yourself and your goals, then you will surely be a successful developer.

Full playlist See 

photos of the event in albums on FB and VK .

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Thanks again to everyone who came, it was interesting with you!

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