Does a modern programmer need to be able to create algorithms?

After a negative reaction from the Khabrovsk citizens to my last article about interviewing programmers, I had to carefully reflect on it to rethink and correct some of my ideas about programming, programmers and myself. And besides the arrogance that came from somewhere, idle examples (I didn’t test it — not a deploy, huh), I did not express at all what I originally wanted: the main thing is the ability to write code that solves the problem.

Since then, the obligation to participate in technical interviews with developers has not disappeared from me. The interview format remains the same: it is working with code in an online notebook, but there are only two tasks left and they have become much easier.

Here is an example of one of them:

/*   —   ,    : 1    */
function isPrimeNumber(number) {
    /*   ,  true  ,  number     false    */

The issue in the title of this article is by no means rhetorical and owes its appearance to passions that revolve around this task in interviews.

A bit of input: we are looking for full stacks that write in JavaScript / TypeScript. The range of tasks, depending on the wishes of the developer himself, can be very wide: from developing a billing system, to a desktop application for drawing on screenshots and uploading to the cloud. Accordingly, basic knowledge of mathematics (plus or minus, divide-multiply, find the arithmetic mean, maximum-minimum in a number) is needed, as well as the ability to solve applied problems, the solution of which may not be on stackoverflow. According to the resume, we select candidates at a level not lower than middle, with relevant work experience. Development is not at all the core business of the company, so it is difficult for us to attract powerful developers and there are very few such candidates.

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