RE: 23 minutes. Justification of the slow-witted

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I always thought I was dumb. More precisely, I am a slow-witted person.


We Volodya Tagakovym (he, incidentally, worked in Yandex) discussed this topic. Volodya agreed with the message of the article, while I did not. We accumulated thoughts about this in the background for 23 days, and then sat down and discussed a record as a podcast. Below is our attempt to express these thoughts in the form of an article. In order not to become personal and not to use the offensive word slow-witted, we will use "multi-wisdom".

We came to the conclusion that the message of the original article is destructive towards colleagues of much thought: you can not participate in discussions at rallies, but instead

after the meeting - in an hour, day or week - I send options for a solution.

Road spoon for dinner!

Of course, there is nothing wrong, sometimes do not speak at rallies. But do this a normal behavior pattern?

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The conclusion we came to: it seems that we need to strive for the opposite - to increase expertise and participate in discussions with colleagues at the allotted time for this. And the application of the proposed practice is destructive in relation to colleagues.

Discussion of this all in the form of a podcast with examples from our work (and Volodya, by the way, worked in Yandex), disputes and mats:

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