Swearing in English, for which they will not beat (but this is not accurate)

Swearing is an important part of any language. Correctly and to the place of swearing - this is a real art, which not everyone knows in their native language.

In the last article, we talked about mild curses - emotional expressions that are not considered mats. Today, we will talk about matyuki. Normal such curses in English, but without tin. Meet medium curses in all its glory.

Recall that in English there are 4 groups of curses: mild, medium, strong and strongest.

Medium curses are complete curses. If mild are considered emotional expressions, then medium is already matyuki in every sense. They can completely offend a person, so you need to use them carefully. Their level of rudeness is low (relatively, of course), but you still need to feel the moment well in which situations they can be used.

Bullshit - crap, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.

Although literally “bullshit” is translated as “bull shit”, in most cases it is used in a figurative sense.

This is some… high-tech, sci-fi, Chinese synthetic bullshit! — - … -, !
Carla, I'm telling you that this is all bullshit! — , , !
I've been in this department too long to get mixed up in this political bullshit! — , !

Despite the fact that formally bullshit is considered a curse word, it is often used even on television. The Penn & Teller: Bullshit! Program was very popular in the USA. ("Penn and Teller: Bullshit!"), Where two illusionists revealed how people are deceived by psychics, adherents of alternative medicine, and representatives of religious communities. The show also examined various social issues and myths that people believe in.

That is, the word "bullshit" was used in the name of the show on a major television channel. Shocking, not too cultural, but it worked.

By the way, the word "bullshit" is sometimes used as a verb. In this case, it means "to suffer garbage", "to lie."

We drink and then we bullshit! - We get drunk, and we will suffer garbage!

Shit - shit, fucking, crap, fucking

Despite the fact that the words “bullshit” and “shit” are very similar, the meanings in them are very different. If "bullshit" means only some kind of nonsense or nonsense, then the meanings of the word "shit" are very many.

The direct meaning is the act of defecation or, in fact, the shit itself. In this sense, the word is also actively used.

In a figurative sense, “shit” means something bad. If you replace them with the phrase “this thing”, then it will immediately be clear what you think about it.

If “shit” is used as an interjection and expresses emotions, then by its semantic meaning the closest curse word in Russian is “whore”. But only as an interjection, a woman with reduced social responsibility has nothing to do with it.

I guess saying shit is easier than doing actual police work. — , , .
You know I can't remember all that shit. — , .
Farewell our shit and useless servant. — , .

“Piece of shit” is a more narrowly obscene expression. If “shit” can still be used as an overly emotional interjection, then “piece of shit” is used as a direct curse in the direction of a person, situation or thing.

Interestingly, shit can be used to show admiration and approval. Then it all depends on intonation and context. When “the shit” is used in a conversation (with the article “the”), the phrase in most cases has a positive meaning.

Bitch - bitch, bitch, fucking.

While American feminists are signing petitions to “exclude sexist terms from dictionaries,” we study them from a linguistic perspective.

By meaning, the word most closely matches Russian “bitch”. An unpretentious such, but quite derogatory insult to women without any special subtext or second meanings. Actually, even discussing is boring.

He dumped that crazy, controlling bitch. - He threw this crazy, obsessed control bitch.
I married a real bitch who set a poor example. “I was married to a terrible bitch that set her a bad example.”
Gosh, ye actually love the bitch. “Lord, you really love this bitch.”

Sometimes “bitch” is used as a verb. In this case, the word means "cheat", "spoil", "break", "whine". Here you need to look at the context. But in any case, this word has no good meanings.

"Son of a bitch" - "son of a bitch." Male version of the insult.

Munter - ugly

Continuing the theme of sexism. “Munter” is rather a British word. In any case, in the USA it is used very, very rarely.

It is applied most often to women in order to roughly emphasize the imperfection of their beauty. But sometimes they say it to men - in this case, the degree of insult increases. After all, not only did they call the woman ugly.

In general, there is only one sense - something so ugly that causes disgust.

O my god! Did you see the right munter Kevin picked up last night? - Lord! Did you see what kind of ugly thing Kevin picked up last night?

Tits - Tits, Nipples

Actually, there is no strong curse here. Only a rough designation of the female breast or nipple. Nevertheless, the British quite equated him with curses.

Tits literally means "nipples", but most often it is used as a designation of the female breast. The thing is that boobs has almost the same meaning, but it is considered only vulgarism, and tits were equated with swearing.

Or maybe he just misses her tits. “Or maybe he just misses her boobs.”
Sign my tits, Tom James. - Sign me on boobs, Tom James.
Those guys just like my tits. “Those guys only like my boobs.”

In general, tits has a more sexualized meaning than boobs or breasts, so you need to be careful with it.

Formally, the phrases “You have nice tits” and “You have nice boobs” mean the same thing. But the first one sounds more rude - if you tell her to the girl, then the chances of getting by the cabbage soup will be higher than from the second.

Bollocks - bullshit, bullshit, eggs, testicles

A word with a very rich etymology. In the Middle English, which was used in England in the XII-XIV centuries, it means "male testicles." Or if without euphemisms, then “eggs”.

“Bollocks” has common roots with “balls”, one of the meanings of which is also “eggs”. In Britain they are used almost equally, but in the US they only say “balls”.

True, there are minor differences in the meanings. "Bollocks" can also mean "nonsense", "nonsense", "nonsense." To summarize a little, then “Bollocks” in meaning is the combined “balls” and “bullshit”.

Farell almost strung us up by our bollocks for losing track of you. “Farrell almost hung us by the balls for missing you.”
Then you'll cut out this bollocks and start to co-operate. - Then stop carrying this nonsense and start cooperating.
I have never, ever heard such utter bollocks. “I have never heard such utter nonsense.”

It is worth separately emphasizing that "bollocks" is a purely British curse. It is actively used in Scotland and Ireland, but in the USA it somehow did not take root. So be careful with him, if you speak with the American - you may be misunderstood.

Arsehole - ass, ass, asshole, asshole, moron.

Literally translated as "asshole." In some cases, it refers to the anus, but for the most part it is used in a figurative sense and is an insult.

“Arsehole” and “asshole” have exactly the same meaning. And the only difference is regional. “Arsehole” is used to use in Britain, and “asshole” - in the USA. But if you mix it up, nothing bad will happen, both options are correct.

It happened because some asshole was texting and driving. - This happened because some asshole wrote a text message at the wheel.
Now, for example, you're being an arsehole. “And now, for example, you're acting like an asshole.”
Seriously, only an arsehole would actually vote for me. - Seriously, only morons will vote for me.

An “arsehole” or “asshole” is essentially the rougher equivalent of “arse” and “ass”. So be careful if you want to call them a person.

Separately, we recall: all of the words listed are complete curses. We recommend that you study them so that you can always understand the obscene speech of the netiva, but use them very carefully. EnglishDom for the cultural use of the language - get inspired only with good words :)

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