Fashionable stealth

Hello everyone!

Last week, we started a survey on the use of private browsing mode in a browser, and today we are summing up. The results are interesting, modern, expected. However, let's just look at the numbers and try to explain them.

So, the polls were conducted at the previous sites - on the Vivaldi blog and on Habré . A total of 395 people participated in the vote. On the blog, the votes were distributed as follows:

As you can see, approximately the same number of people who use the private mode every day and very rarely. And at all about a quarter of respondents do not use it (including those who are not aware of such a regime). And about the same number of people use the private mode, though regularly, but quite rarely - only if absolutely necessary.

Now let's look at Habr - how are the voices distributed there?

The results show that the technically more advanced audience of Habr prefers to use the private mode a little more actively - a third works in it every day, and together with those who use it at least once a week, a very solid figure of almost 61% is obtained.

The combined data is as follows:

So, more than half of users (52.4%) work in private mode daily or once a week at least, which indicates a high demand for this function. And about 45% do not use it or use it extremely rarely. As you can see, the voices were divided almost equally. But we think that gradually the number of people using private mode will increase - privacy issues today are one of the most actively discussed issues. So we continue to improve this feature of the browser and will soon be preparing to show a good addition to it.

That's all, see you tomorrow!

Photo by iniguez

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