Backend section on DUMP2020: banter, fan, fail

The Backend section at any festival conference is such an interesting section in which only those who understand something in the subject sit and listen. Here you can’t overlook an uninteresting report, for example, from design. And that’s why the program for backend developers isn’t easy to do!

In language-specific reports, half of the hall seems to be blown away, and taken somewhere to the managerial sections to listen about the burnout of team leaders or soft-skills.

Therefore, in Kazan, for the first time, we tested the format “without reference to programming languages”. So what? Got sold out in the hall!

Look under the cut what topics were in the top last year, and what are waiting for this

Themes 2019 that “took off”

Last year in Yekaterinburg, we have not yet arrived at a new concept for the section, and therefore there were reports in the program for developers, but they did not get the first place and full halls.

In the first place is the story of Grigory Koshelev about how Contour engineers collected, assemble and will collect telemetry from thousands of microservices.

Gregory talked about telemetry: logs, metrics, distributed traces; and about key technologies: Apache Kafka, Apache Cassandra, Apache ZooKeeper, Graphite, ELK

The theme of Nikolai Sverchkov (Evil Martians) about the practical side of working with serverless “went” perfectly. Nikolay took apart:

- How difficult it is to start
- How much documentation and tutorials
- Is there support for generally accepted standards
- How to test locally
- How much does it cost
- Which language is better to use
- Which task stack is most relevant
- Should I use it for serious production

Denis Kataev ( talked about a new data type in Redis 5 - streams, found out goals and objectives for which streams were invented, and also showed the difference between Kafka and Redis streams

At the DUMP Kazan in November, the program committee skipped only topics that would be of interest to most back developers.

With a slight margin from second place, in the first is the report of Nikita Sobolevsobolevn( about the tools and practices of a good code review (with automation!)
Watch his presentation and learn how NOT to do a code review, and here is Carlos Castaneda and why they will hate you because of this approach

In second place was a report by Grigory Petrov eyeofhellfrom Evrone “Microservice Communication: REST, JSON, GraphQL or gRPC?”

Network communications in the modern backend are many competing protocols, standards and approaches. We have “REST”, which each developer implements in his own way, there are overlapping JSON Schema and Open API, there are JSON API, GraphQL, gRPC, RAML peeks around the corner.

In the report, Gregory talks about modern approaches of backend communications with each other and the front-end, what difficulties we are struggling with, and what good is in the arsenal of solutions

Alexey Pletnev’s report from the Basis Center was the first in the program, and immediately after it started, the hall consistently broke down: a microphone, a second microphone, speakers and something else ... Nevertheless, Alexey was able to speak loudly enough to be heard by almost 150 people , and also answered a bunch of questions.

If you use open source in your projects, we recommend that you give up a little bit on sound quality, (you hear fine, but there are volume differences and a little crack), and listen to risk management tools when using open source components

In general, we considered the experiment with broad topics successful, and therefore we will continue to accept applications for precisely such topics.

The program of the Backend section at the anniversary DUMP2020 (Yekaterinburg, May 15) is being prepared by: Andrey Zharinov (Yandex), Ivan Dashkevich (Kontur), Konstantin Beklemishev (Naumen) and Denis Tarasov (Kontur). The concept of the section has remained virtually unchanged, and these are the reports the program committee is waiting for:

Backend Section Concept and Themes

In this section, we are talking about server development, without being tied to programming languages. We will discuss technologies and development methods that just appeared in 2019-2020, and look for the optimal solution to the problems that most backend developers face.

We are awaiting reports on the following topics:

  • High load
  • Microservices
  • ,
  • Best practices
  • ML/ML
  • DDD
  • ,
  • , Code Review : ,

The level of training of the participants DUMP middle and middle +, it is worth considering this when choosing a topic for the application of the report. We would very much like the audience not to get bored :)

35 minutes + 5 minutes are allotted to the presentation for questions in the hall. After the report there will be another 20 minutes for discussion on the sidelines.

The list of topics is not exhaustive :) If you have an interesting topic, send applications.

Of those topics that were already popular in the section, and which fall into the program now, there are 3 areas: banter, fan, fail.

For example, topics are declared:

  • Worst programming language (entertaining and informative lecture)
  • Clean Architecture in practice (how the principles described in the book work / do not work in reality)
  • Functional languages ​​for business development

Deep technical reports are also well received, but special skill is needed to delve into the guts in 35-40 minutes.

But we believe in you, and are waiting for an application for reports. Remember that DUMP speakers are loved and watch what we have prepared , in addition to the main program.

That's all!

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