The digest of events for HR and IT recruiters in March 2020

The first spring digest turned out to be rich: courses and webinars will immerse you in the basics of IT HR, teach you how to properly promote vacancies, help you quickly assemble an IT team and improve the company's HR brand. And at community meetings in Moscow, Minsk and Innopolis, you can upgrade your sourcing skills and discuss pressing issues with your colleagues.

Stay tuned for updates to the post, announcements for the second half of the month can be added later, which I will write in the comments about.

“Landing of a vacancy: create and promote” (online course)

When: beginning March 2
Where: online
Conditions of participation: 19,900 rubles (Standard), 24,900 rubles (Workshop), 34,900 rubles (Priority)
Organizer: MarHR

The struggle for the attention of candidates is heating up, you need to be able to present all the advantages of working in a company, work out objections, attract using digital tools, analyze the effectiveness and return those who did not come for the first time.

The course will teach you how to:

  • Get passive candidates who are not on work sites;
  • Create a large coverage for further screenings (video interviews, test tasks);
  • To increase brand awareness and appeal of your company;
  • Improve the effectiveness of other HR projects: personnel reserve, engagement survey, adaptation, etc.

Details and registration

"Immersion in IT" (online course)

When: beginning of March 2
Where: online
Conditions of participation: 17 900 rubles 
Organizer: Chernogortseva Irina

The course is suitable for IT recruiters without experience or junior level.

In the process of training you:

  • You will find out what specialists are in IT, what they do and how to distinguish one from the other in each direction;
  • Understand what to look for when searching;
  • Learn among the heap of incomprehensible words in the resume to see the main thing;
  • Learn the name of the vacancy to attract the right specialists.

Details and registration

HR in IT (online course)

When: beginning of March 3
Where: online
Participation conditions: 4900 rubles (Basic), 8900 rubles (Pro)
Organizer: MTS University

The purpose of the course is to teach using effective methods to search, find, retain IT specialists and “grow” talent from them.  

In a programme:

  • Week 1. “IT specialist, where are you? How to find you and not to lose? ”;
  • Week 2. "Welcome aboard or everything about the adaptation of IT specialists";
  • Week 3. "IT people in corporate culture - myth or reality?";
  • Week 4. "Hello, we are looking for talent!"

Details and registration

Sourcing mitap and hackathon

When: March 4, 19:00
Where: Moscow, per. Oruzheyny, d. 41
Participation conditions: free
Organizer: AmazingHiring

AmazingHiring together with MegaFon will hold a sap and mitap sacking in Moscow.

In a programme:

  • “Advanced X-Ray” - Narek Aslikyan, AmazingHiring;
  • “How to build sourcing that can cope with any search” - Svetlana Starodubova, MegaFon;
  • Sourcing Hackathon.

Details and registration

“How to quickly recruit an IT team and improve an employer's brand?” (webinar)

When: March 5, 10:00
Where: online
Conditions of participation: free
Organizer: VIZAVI Consult

Using the example of your project, the VIZAVI Consult team will tell you how to quickly recruit over 50 employees to an IT team using marketing tools.

Leading webinar:

  • Valeria Dvortsovaya - Managing Partner, General Director of VIZAVI Consult;
  • Ivan Savchenko - IT recruiter, consultant VIZAVI Consult.

Details and registration

IT HR Global Meetup # 3: Minsk Edition (mitap)

When: March 7, 11:00
Where: Minsk, st. Akademika Kuprevicha, 3V.
Terms of participation: free.
Organizer: IT-Dominant

“IT HR meetup” - these are informal meetings of IT companies. This time, the mitap is being held in preparation for the HR API 2020 conference, which will be held April 24-25 in St. Petersburg.

Details and registration

"IT educational program for HR" (course)

When: March 13-14
Where: Innopolis, st. Universitetskaya, 1
Conditions of participation: 19,000 rubles (training), 22,000 rubles (advanced training)
Organizer: Innopolis University A

two-day advanced training course for those who hire and manage IT specialists or plan to work HR in the IT field.

In the program:

  • IT educational program for HR. Basic concepts;
  • Overview of the labor market in the IT field;
  • Career tracks in IT;
  • Selection of IT specialists;
  • The specifics of interviewing IT professionals;
  • Practice and cases.

Details and registration

Anticlub: retention vs. recruiting ”(mitap)

When: March 17, 10:00
Where: Moscow, address to be confirmed
Participation terms: free

VIZAVI Consult Anticlub is organized for IT companies and the financial industry.

In a programme:

  • How to close more than 50 IT vacancies with just one replacement during the year through the company's values?
  • Digital methods for reducing the turnover of IT and financial staff.
  • Employee support programs as one of the tools for employee engagement and retention.

Details and registration

Irina Shamaeva sourcing workshop

When: March 19, 10:30
Where: Moscow, address to be confirmed
Participation conditions: 20 000 rubles
Organizer: INDEX

INDEX and Huntflow will organize a master class of the most famous sourcer in the world - Irina Shamaeva.

In a programme: 

  • Where to look for candidates - search engines, social networks and professional sites;
  • The universal principle of search;
  • Boolean logic;
  • Google and X-ray operators;
  • Work with images;
  • Contact information search tools;
  • Chrome extensions
  • Github - a paradise for sourcers;
  • Custom Search Engines;
  • Western practices.

Details and registration

HR MOBILE (conference)

When: March 20, 9:00
Where: Moscow, st. Petrovka, d. 11
Terms of participation: 18 500 rubles (Standard), 20 500 rubles (Professional), conference recording - 5500 rubles. Prices are valid until March 1.
Organizer: MK GROUP

The second All-Russian conference on modern HR-technologies that can be placed on a mobile phone. Chat bots, micro-learning, recruitment, staff assessment, data analytics, communications and other features at your fingertips.

The program will include representatives of MTS Bank, VELUX, Rostelecom, Tele2, T&D Technologies and other large companies.

Details and registration

IndexSource (conference)

When: March 20, 10:00
Where: Moscow, per. Spartakovsky, 2, bld. 1, entrance 7
Terms of participation: 10 500 rubles
Organizer: INDEX

Conference on sourcing in the broad sense: theoretical foundations, specific tools, practices and life hacks and sourcing from a business point of view, as part of the selection process.

Papers and speakers:

  • “What the network knows about you. Data about people on the Internet: where are they and how to find them ”- Sergey Zolotukhin, GroupIB;
  • “A modern sourcer as a set of competencies”
  • “One day in the life of an experienced sourcer” - Alina Moise, GitLab;
  • “Custom Search Engines (CSEs)” - Irina Shamaeva, Sourcing Certification;
  • “Sourcing on GitHub (report in English with translation)” - Ach Petrosyan, RockbiteGames Armenia and Meettal;
  • “Where developers sit: a battle of sources” - Kirill Olkhovik, AmazingHiring;
  • “Gett sourcing system: how to organize effective sourcing in a food company” - Alyona Arzhanova, Gett;
  • “Building sourcing in a distributed and multicultural team” - Anastasia Pshegodskaya, GitLab;
  • “Help Dasha-sourcer make a search map!” - Egor Yatsenko,

Details and registration

“IT-Recruiter. Intensive "(course)

When: beginning of March 28
Where: St. Petersburg, Nevsky pr., 104
Conditions of participation: 35 990 rubles
Organizer: Level UP

The course is designed for those who want to start recruiting IT specialists. The program consists of technical and recruiting modules.

In a programme:

  • What and how is arranged in the IT sphere as a whole. Where and for what are these or those programming languages, technologies, frameworks used. What do those you are looking for do.
  • How to withdraw an application and work with a hiring manager.
  • How to create a vacancy yourself with complex technical terms.
  • Subtleties and life hacks of searching for IT-specialists of different levels.
  • Search methods that have not yet been written about in books.
  • How to properly position a company in the highly competitive IT market.
  • The basics of HR branding and HR analytics.

Details and registration

About event organizers:

  1. VIZAVI Consult is a federal recruiting network.
  2. IT Dominant is a recruiting agency specializing in the search for IT specialists.
  3. MTS University - educational programs for professional and personal development.
  4. Chernogortseva Irina is a private IT recruiter.
  5. AmazingHiring is an app for finding IT professionals.
  6. INDEX is a recruiting agency specializing in the search for IT professionals.
  7. Level UP - IT-education in St. Petersburg and remotely.
  8. MarHR is a project dedicated to HR marketing.
  9. MK GROUP - organization of business events

If in this digest you did not find events that will be held in March, please add them to the comments. And if you are the organizer of such events and want them to appear in our digests, then send me information to .

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