Robotic vehicles in numbers: 3 trillion miles, 50 billion hours, 8% of GDP

The dimensions of the auto industry are simply gigantic. It is possible that in the near future it is in this industry that most first-class IT specialists will be involved.


A summary of some numbers that increase the credibility of the arguments for the spread of unmanned vehicles. Most of the points are based on the assumption that unmanned vehicles will get into accidents 10-50 times less often than ordinary drivers.

  • In the US, 35,000 people die each year in traffic accidents (according to the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) and 1.2 million people die in accidents worldwide (according to WHO). Traffic accidents are the main cause of death in the period between the transmission of childhood diseases and senile health problems. More recently, 45,000 people died in the United States per year - the death rate was reduced due to automobile automation technologies, improved safety systems and the development of medicine.
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