Brad Templeton: how I see the future of robotic vehicles


imageAbout the Author: Brad Templeton is a software engineer, an evangelist of robotic cars since 2007, worked on Google in his early years. Founder of ClariNet , honorary chairman of the Electronic Frontier Foundation and director of the Foresight Institute , founder of the faculty at Singularity University .
When I write about unmanned vehicles, I start from my own special ideas about the future. These ideas about the future are not unusual or unique.

Here are their key points:

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  3. Safety : unmanned vehicles will not get on the road until they can demonstrate driving that will be much safer than human - even if we are talking about sober and attentive drivers.

There are several other points that are very valuable, but not absolutely necessary:

  • Taxi : Some cars will be designed to be easily called as taxis. Ultimately, this can lead to a city with cars “on demand”, in which using a telephone you can call a car in a few minutes, and in the future, in less than a minute.
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Someone might say that the security point is a lie, as I describe an unmanned vehicle as a vehicle that is clearly safer than a person driven. Another important question arises: how safe will the vehicles be and how will they achieve the required level of safety? Sometimes I speak out on this subject, but my main goal is to find out what will happen at the moment when we create a safe unmanned vehicle.

Other pictures of the future

There are other views on how the future will be with unmanned vehicles (or what will be the path to this future)

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