Sports classification of e-sports disciplines

And also one annoying discrepancy of interactivity of contact sports from this classification resulting


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Given the pace of development of computer sports, its official recognition in many countries of the world and the start of discussions on its inclusion in the Olympic program, it is necessary to designate a method for unambiguous sports classification of e-sports disciplines, which classification will undoubtedly facilitate the development of training programs and will improve both the training of athletes and competitive aspect of computer sports, while helping to develop new disciplines.

Computer sport in Russia today is completely and not quite correctly classified as intellectual, which is quite convenient, because allows you to write this work "on the contrary", that is, refuting the current classification.
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The main work was done back in 2005 by specialized specialists, which greatly facilitated the development of the proposed concept.

Most of the disciplines of computer sports are equated, designated and implemented by different organizations in different places and areas in different forms as an intellectual activity. Such a classification is not entirely correct, as it is not entirely correct to consider computer sports as a homogeneous monolith of disciplines.

The indicated problems are quite logical, taking into account the specifics of the formation and development of computer sports, and still have not caused much inconvenience, however, further ignoring the issue may make it difficult for specialized specialists to work ahead, or even lead them to the wrong steppe - with the subsequent need to stop and dance from the stove.

First published here on January 4, 2020.

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Today, e-sports disciplines are united under one name on the basis of the fact that competitions are held in environments simulated by computers. However, according to this logic, we risk highlighting some sports in such classification groups as, for example, varnished parquet competitions or stadium sports.

The fact that the environments in which sporting events take place is simulated by computers does not yet mean that these competitions themselves are intelligent. That is, it does not mean that the discipline in which competitions are held in a simulated environment allows athletes to fully compare their intellectual abilities.

Before proceeding to the classification itself, we’ll sort it out more precisely with our intellect, for which we turn to a number of domestic works of the new time in the field of sports, since sports science does not stand still and today we have such a wonderful opportunity!

Let's start with the dissertation for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences Elena Nikolaevna Skarzhinsky of the 2005th year, which is called " Organizational and pedagogical aspects of the development of creative abilities in intellectual sports . "
Cover sheet +


In this work, the qualitative features of intellectual sports are uniquely identified:
We read the definition:


... that is, species that imply the intellectual, and not motor, dominant in the athlete’s direct competitive activity!

Which means that only those sports in which the winner is identified on the basis of his intellectual rather than physical activity can be called such. Which also means that the exclusion from the competitive activity of contractions of the skeletal muscles of the athlete should not significantly affect the final result of the competitive meeting.

In cases where we deny the definition given by Elena Nikolaevna, we will be forced to recognize as intellectual, for example, sports such as basketball, table tennis and curling, despite the fact that the result of the meeting in them directly depends on the activity of the skeletal muscles of athletes.

How to unambiguously single out the intellectual dominant?

Pretty simple.

The intellect of a sport is determined by the ability to hold competitive meetings at a distance from the competitive environment and with the separation of successive actions of athletes in time - that is, step by step ( discreteness of playing time ), highlighting and isolating intellectual activity ( modeling in the mind) . Which also finds precise confirmation (to be given later ) in the works of Elena Nikolaevna, a profile specialist in this field.

This means that in any intellectual sports, it should be possible to exclude from the competitive activity the direct physical activity of the athlete without affecting his final competitive result.

To illustrate, one can propose the option when one person dictates to another the sequence and nature of in-game actions that the other performs under the dictation of the first - which does not affect the competitive process and the final result of the fight, because the nature of the competition implies only the intellectual dominant influence on the final performance.

“Go horse!”

All sports and varieties of sports, in which the fulfillment of the above conditions are impossible without changing the rules of the competition and the nature of the competitive activity, cannot and should not be called intellectual.

Otherwise, we risk including basketball with table tennis!

Exaggerating as much as possible - intellectual sports are available for paralytics ( through an assistant ), as the result of physical activity is secondary or not significant at all.

We meet our classification features in the earlier work of Elena Nikolaevna Skarzhinsky, when she was still only a graduate student and spoke at the 28th scientific conference of students, post-graduate students and applicants of the Moscow Art-Academic College in 2004:
Title page

It is obvious that the wordings from this report migrated to her successfully defended candidate's work of 2005 without significant changes, that is, they have also officially passed some time-tested.

In the postgraduate report, we also find confirmation of our classification:


In contrast to most of today's eSports disciplines!

Where the solution of a game problem completely depends on the skill of physical manipulation of sports equipment, without which the implementation of “actions in the mind” is impossible or seriously difficult - which directly affects the competitive performance of an athlete!

However, further we unexpectedly find ourselves in some awkward situation regarding the author’s professional evolution, which we can easily trace thanks to the collection of conference materials" Problems and Prospects of Computer Sports " held at the RSUFKSMiT in 2010.
Title page

This collection contains a report " On the issue of computer sports terminology " in which we read the following:


The same report is duplicated with minor changes to
The following compilation:



And in it there is a contradiction with the earlier works of the author!

Specifically, with his Ph.D. thesis and postgraduate report, according to which eSports is not intellectual ( with two small exceptions, which will be discussed below )!


In the report, e-sports, for some reason, was assigned to the 5th group according to Matveev instead of the 1st, in connection with which all computer sports indiscriminately began to appear wherever they hit as intellectual . Apparently, this annoying incorrectness migrated into today's e-sports discourse from this very 2010 report!

In addition, the concept of distance is not properly disclosed - that is, the distance between athletes and the distance between athletes and the competitive environment are not differentiated!

Computer sport really allows competing athletes to be at any distance from each other, but, in most basic disciplines, it does not allow them to have any distance with the competitive environment, which makes it so close to table tennis and volleyball from the classification point of view that during study The conceptual block "network sport" can be very useful theoretical scientific work on these sports!

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So, in a strange way it was discovered that later works contradict earlier ones.

In accordance with the laws of logic, this, unfortunately, means that one of the key points of one of the groups of works is incorrect. Accordingly erroneous, and one of them must be recalled.

One must either recognize the dominance of the motor component in the process of today's major e-sports competitions, or deny it, claiming that the dominant is intellectual. This means either the fallacy of the dissertation, or the fallacy of the 2010 report!

Thus, either the criteria of the intellectuality of the sport are incorrectly defined in the candidate dissertation of Elena Nikolaevna ( which is very doubtful, because the defense took place ), or eSports for the most part are not so intelligent in the form in which it is necessary for such a classification.

Giving priority to official scientific work ( Ph.D. thesis ), we take the position of intellectual dominant.

What do we get in this case regarding computer sports?

We get that most of his disciplines will not be included in the “family” of intellectual sports either according to Skarzhinsky or Matveev.

Despite the fact that in computer sports the distance ( sometimes significant ) between athletes is maintained in all cases and there is no direct contact between them ( hi table tennis ), athletes cannot afford the distance between themselves and the competition environment ( separation from input devices(physical contact with the competition environment through sports equipment) and from output devices (loss of eye contact with the competition environment) ) without this affecting the competition process and the final result of the competition!

That is, actions take place in real time, and not in discrete. Thus bringing to the fore the motor skills of the athlete and his reaction to visual stimuli.

Today, these criteria are true in relation to all (!) ESports disciplines, except for collectible card games and turn-based strategies, which, accordingly, can be considered intellectual - both on this basis and in terms of the acceptable separation of the actions of opponents in time.

All other e-sports disciplines are no more related to intellectual sports than basketball and table tennis, which belong to the 1st group of sports according to Matveev and the 5th classification group according to the Olympic system.

Table tennis is generally of particular interest to us in this regard!
How do RTS differ from table tennis?

— RST «» « » «» «».

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From a classification point of view, it is indistinguishable from most of today's official e-sports disciplines. contains all the necessary classification features and is limited to them:
  • distance between athletes;
  • the impossibility of separation from the competitive environment in the process of a bout without this affecting the result of the competition;
  • ( ) , ;
  • , ( )

* The role of fine motor skills in e-sports is discussed in detail in the work “ Small-motor blocking of breath in computer sports (MKM) ”

The items listed above are typical for most of today's disciplines of computer sports ( except for collectible card games and turn-based strategies ), however, the last item automatically relates them to the first rather than the fifth classification group of sports by the nature of motor activity, which classification was proposed by Lev Pavlovich Matveev in 1977.

We will examine in more detail the available options for classifying sports.

The classification that is popular, popular and used in many Russian sports scientific works is the Matveyev sports classification mentioned above by the nature of physical activity, which implies the division of sports into 6 groups:
  1. sports with extremely active motor activity, the results of which depend on the athlete’s own motor abilities, revealed during the competition ( our topic );
  2. , , ( , .. );
  3. , ( , .. (* , , ), );
  4. sports that compare the results of model-design activities of athletes;
  5. sports, the main content of which is determined by the nature of the abstract-logical playing out of the opponent ( collectible card games and turn-based strategies );
  6. all-around, made up of various disciplines in various sports.

And here is the Olympic classification system, which is usually used in sports theory and is also divided into 6 groups:
  1. cyclic sports;
  2. speed and power sports;
  3. complex coordination sports;
  4. martial arts;
  5. sport games;
  6. all-around.

In accordance with this classification model, most e-sports disciplines fall into the fifth group - sports games , because represent a game of confrontation between teams or individual athletes among themselves, also falling into the third classification group according to the system proposed by Vladimir Stanislavovich Keller in 1986:
  1. sports with metrically measured results (units of length, mass or time - meter, kilogram, second ( racing simulators ));
  2. sports in which sporting performance is scored - depending on the beauty, complexity and effectiveness of the implementation of competitive programs;
  3. , , , ( );
  4. .

Thus, the main disciplines of computer sports today, regardless of the characteristics of the simulated competitive environment, fall into the first classification group according to Matveev, the fifth according to the Olympic classification system and the third according to Keller.

The competitive performance in each of the main e-sports disciplines today depends primarily on the physical activity of the athlete, in light of which the intellectual component is far behind the small-motor talent and the speed of the motor reaction to the visual stimulus ( except for CCI and turn-based strategies ).

Everything that is APM-dependent ( action per minute ) is the last thing intelligently.

Therefore, classifying today's e-sports in the face of its main disciplines as intellectual is fundamentally wrong, because all these disciplines are unambiguously classified as sports games with extremely active motor dominant and the third-rate and rudimentary nature of the intellectual component with respect to effective out-of-game actions.


In addition, the sports classification of each discipline should be done separately, without regard to the common moment for all disciplines - simulation of competitive environments using computers.

Not all sporting events held at the Olympic Stadium are classified equally!

On the “interactivity” of contact sports

First published here on October 23, 2019.


Until the output devices fully and in real time transmit the physical impact of the opponent ( contact ) to the athlete’s body , which the latter, in turn, transmits to the input devices, talking about “interactive martial arts” is unlawful and unlawful.

All such competitions must be classified as individual sports games without contact with an opponent ( using equipment ).

Which is absolutely legitimate with regard to the “interactivity” of any other contact sports ( which may well be team ones ).

However, even if the above conditions are met, athletes will not begin to beat and fight each other (to contact each other directly ) - therefore, they will continue to play sports games without touching the opponent. They will directly interact with sports equipment.

Anticipating hasty critics, the glove worn on the athlete’s hand will not interact with the opponent’s face, but with input devices.

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