How did Service Desk save a service company, or What if your business grows?

My name is Daria, I'm a product analyst. The main product of my company is a service desk, a cloud platform that automates business processes: for example, repair work, maintenance of various objects. One of my tasks is to participate in the process of introducing our platform into the business of clients, while I need to dive into the specifics of a particular company as deep as possible.

I want to tell you how it was possible to automate the labor-intensive business processes to one of our customers, the Brant service company. The company turned to our platform when the number of its customers, and, accordingly, service requests, began to grow rapidly. The business is actively developing, because this is excellent, what's the catch? The fact that the number of the same type of routine processes is growing sharply, and this danger cannot be underestimated. And besides, it becomes obvious that you cannot use the same tools that worked when there were fewer applications.

Is that familiar?

So the story of salvation.

It is service companies that utilize the functionality of our platform as fully as possible, because they need operational communication between several parties. What are these parties?

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  • We use pseudonyms in this text to refer to Brant's customers. These are: a federal grocery chain - let's call it Polyanka; two pharmacy chains - Doctor A and Doctor B; service centers of the operator of communications "Op Mobile"; as well as several production facilities;

Each of the major networks insisted that all work on supporting the application be carried out in their accounting programs. Automation of interaction is effective for both the customer and the service company, and is justified in the field of integrated services. However, when there are more than two customers, the work of a service company in several programs at once creates difficulties.

How it was BEFORE introducing Service Desk

The Polyanka network uses the 1C: MRO program; “Doctor A” - submits applications through the Intraservice system; “Doctor B” and “Op Mobile” - through their own Service Desk. Non-network customers submit applications via email, phone calls, or even through WhatsApp and Viber.

All applications received were collected in an excel file. The number of applications at one time could be more than 4 thousand - and these are only active applications, and yet it is still necessary to keep a history of completed applications.

The composite file simply threatened to die at any time, and had to constantly make copies so as not to lose the application database. Collecting applications from all sources and transferring them to an Excel file took an unacceptably long time. And then it was still necessary to manually send applications to the performers via SMS, email, Viber and WhatsApp.

At the same time, the application sent to the service specialist should contain the maximum information necessary for its implementation. After the application was completed, it was necessary to collect information on the implementation and photo reports. And somewhere else to store it.

One can imagine how difficult this multichannel reception, accounting and distribution of applications was given. Considering that the company received new customers for service, and hired more and more specialists, the process desperately needed automation and increased transparency. Nevertheless, it is impossible to refuse to work with applications in a way convenient for the client, because it is provided for by the terms of the contract.

Therefore, a separate system is required, which will allow:

  1. gather tasks from all customer systems in one place;
  2. standardize applications received in different formats;
  3. send applications to service specialists with all the necessary information;
  4. receive a report on the implementation of the application;
  5. keep a history of completed orders.

And at the same time, it should be convenient for the contractor - an on-site employee who only has a telephone with him as a means of communication.

How it became after the implementation of Service Desk

After exploring the software market, Brant chose our system - the HubEx platform.

Step 1: Using Excel import, data on all serviced objects were transferred to the platform (at the time of launch there were more than 900) - now all the necessary information about each object is stored in the object’s web passport: address, geolocation on the map, technical documentation, contacts service history. All that may be required for the operational execution of the application.

Step 2: - Uploading applications to the general system was quick. Import in the HubEx system takes place in two clicks, and now all the applications for each object are collected in one place. An alternative way to collect applications from customer systems is to configure the mechanism for receiving applications directly by e-mail. This option is also available on the platform.

Result: The Brant dispatchers see all applications in one program and distribute them among field employees.

Each employee has a mobile phone in his pocket with a mobile application that will inform you of a new appointment. And in the application itself, the specialist sees the actual list of his applications:

An important point: now all communications on the application are made not by telephone or through messengers, but strictly in the application itself.

This allows you to store the history of the application, clearly segment communication for each of them, and make sure that nothing important is lost. The contractor may request additional information on the execution of work, inform about the delay, invite the right participant to the discussion - for example, another specialist - who served this object before.

Now, when transferring the application to another specialist, all the information needed on the previous actions is available to the new employee.

Thus, the introduction of the service desk allowed Brant to combine all of its projects into a single system. In addition, the routine processes that threatened to “drown” the company within themselves were significantly reduced: despite the fact that the number of service facilities was increasing, it was not necessary to inflate the staff with new employees just to cover the increase in the number of similar tasks.

Read the continuation of the history of the Brant company:
Part 2: Automation of the dispatch service, or How can a service company reduce transportation costs by 30%
Part 3: How can a service company avoid fines from the customer? A couple of unobvious advantages of process automation

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