Problems of preparing a sports reserve in computer sports (report)


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The report was prepared for the All-Russian Conference “Computer Sports ( eSports ): Status and Prospects of Development” ( October 31 - November 1, 2019, RSUFKSMiT ), but, for some reason, it was announced and was not read at it. This, in turn, introduces some nuances in the format, as the author is not constrained by the requirements for the report, nor by the rules of the conference. Thanks to this, the topic can be revealed more voluminously and deeply, without curtsies in some directions.

First published here on October 11, 2019.

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1. E-sports is not a sport in the traditional sense of the word - due to the private affiliation of the “sports disciplines” themselves, which imposes significant restrictions on both training and competitive processes and means that any competitive or training activity can be stopped by will private owner of discipline.

2. In addition, if traditional sports over time began to be used as an advertising and marketing tool, while remaining as a phenomenon in themselves, e-sports, in its current form, was originally born as a marketing and advertising tool in the private, commercial, computer industry and has its own The main destination is to increase sales of US processors and operating systems around the world.

3. By virtue of the current conditions, any non-American “e-sportsman” is technically an advertising agent for private foreign companies and only after that someone else who brings a certain negative component to the athlete’s long-term training, and especially to his mental training.

4. Esports, along with the above, is also a powerful tool to increase sales of input devices ( keyboard, mouse ), the production of which is debugged and profitable, despite the fact that these devices themselves were finally formed technically by the end of the 70s and were designed to perform completely different tasks ( office work), rather than continuous many hours of training in computer games - for which they are very conditionally suitable and during which, due to their technical specifics, have a serious negative effect on the musculoskeletal system and the athlete’s cardiovascular system.

5. Due to the conditional suitability of the computer mouse and keyboard for gaming and sports competitive activities and their technical specifics, the selection of athletes is forced to be carried out primarily by the small motor talent of the children, while computer sport is listed in the sports register as intellectual, as a result what is the erroneous rejection of intellectually gifted athletes with low small-motor giftedness.

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E-sports is not a sport in the traditional sense of the word - due to the private affiliation of the “sports disciplines” themselves, which imposes significant restrictions on both training and competitive processes and means that any competitive or training activities can be terminated by the will of the private owner of the discipline.

In addition, to date, none of the recognized “e-sports disciplines” has implemented neither monitoring tools, nor technical guarantees of the fairness of the competitive process and equal conditions for all competitors. In this regard, than athletic training can not be considered a factor in the effectiveness of the competitive athlete!

A striking example of the limitation of the training process is the Blizzard ban for Overwatch players starting May 1 of this year to start searching for a match in groups of three or more. Players of the Grandmaster rank will be able to run a match search only on their own or with a partner. That is, there is a direct, unauthorized intervention of a private commercial company in the sports training process!

With a high degree of probability, we can assume that this is not forbidden to everyone, but only to those players for whom the six-figure sums have not been paid by sponsors of teams belonging to the Overwatch professional league. The owners of these teams are technically investors of Blizzard Corporation, as for the participation of their teams in the league, they paid about 20 million US dollars each. Blizzard Corporation has obligations to investors, the essence of which is, without a doubt, a commercial secret.


If investor teams begin to lose to teams of free amateurs, investors find themselves in a strange position. If not funny. This is about the quality of the selection of "athletes" and their preparation, as well as the spirit of fair sports competition and equal conditions for all competitors. Here, by the way, a precedent looms when it is accidentally leaked. Someone, somewhere, someone.

Free lovers will not be allowed to investor reputation! At least as long as sports disciplines are private commercial property per se.

Examples of impact on the competitive process are examined in detail in the work “Magic sliders” and will not be given in this report in order to save time. We will limit ourselves only to a small quote from nowhere:
- , DotA 2. Moscow 5, . . , , [] . [] , , , [] . , , M5 .

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If traditional sports over time began to be used as an advertising and marketing tool, while remaining as a phenomenon in themselves, e-sports, in its current form, was originally born as a marketing and advertising tool in the private, commercial, computer industry and has its main purpose increased sales of US processors and operating systems worldwide.

The domestic e-sports "ecosystem" with all its private and legal entities represents an advertising function for an imported commercial product. Today she is technically the main one for her.

Sale of computers, computer programs, accessories, paraphernalia, thematic information on the Internet and online and offline distribution systems - all this, today, is tied to the promotion of imported commercial products, using very specific methods. Russian e-sports plays a serving role here, stimulating a wider access of foreign companies to domestic consumers.


As a result, any non-American "e-sportsman" is technically an advertising agent for private foreign companies and only after that someone else who brings a certain negative component to the athlete's many years of training, and especially to his mental training.

According to the author of the report, the problem is solvable in only one way - by launching the release of its own competitive processors and operating systems. Or, ideally, the release of such internationally - as free software and free hardware ( but, given the current political situation in the world - it's fantastic ).

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Esports, along with the above, is also a powerful tool to increase sales of input devices ( keyboard, mouse ), the production of which is debugged and profitable, despite the fact that these devices themselves were finally formed technically by the end of the 70s and were designed to perform completely different tasks ( office work), rather than continuous many hours of training in computer games - for which they are very conditionally suitable and during which, due to their technical specifics, have a serious negative effect on the musculoskeletal system and the athlete’s cardiovascular system.

First of all, using a computer mouse as an input device leads to prolonged, arrhythmic respiratory delays, which is discussed in more detail in the work “ Small-motor blocking of breathing in computer sports ( MKM )". Along with this, training activity implies prolonged sitting in static poses, as a result of which the athlete constantly increases the level of physical inactivity and hypokinesia, which today, as a rule, are compensated by physical exercises either never or not enough - due to the incompetence of the so-called" trainers " The consequence of this is a serious deterioration in peripheral blood circulation ( venous congestion ) and a slowdown in the general lymphatic flow:


Already by the combination of these factors, training a professional player in computer sports is not a job of reaching peak forms and improving higher sports skills, but rather a fight against negative factors affecting the health of an athlete’s sports equipment and constant attempts to compensate for these factors by athletic methods.

Just Dance / Xbox ( ) .

The reason for the above factors is the inappropriateness of a computer mouse for e-sports. Both competitive and training. As long as the devices of this family are used for professional sports activities, the time spent on compensation of the negative factors of the impact of the equipment on the athlete’s health will block, or even block, the trainee’s sportsmanship from a certain moment.

However, that is not all.

Another serious problem is the influence of a computer mouse and keyboard on the athlete’s musculoskeletal system, which has already been partially affected here ( with an emphasis on seats ).

Biomechanical analysis indicates a serious asymmetry of the mouse and keyboard e-sports.

While the athlete's left hand in most cases is fixedly fixed with the rest of the wrist on the table in front of the keyboard, the right hand is suspended in a certain way on the shoulder lowered relative to the vertical axis of symmetry - against the background of a statically overstressed left trapezius muscle and a relaxed right. In addition, the athlete reflexively seeks to minimize respiratory activity of the upper lobe of the right lung, because This most tangibly confuses him the accuracy of the cursor on the target ( given for the right-hander ).

Long trainings in such conditions form an athlete’s persistent torsion scoliosis of a certain "e-sports" profile, with a clamping of the liver and poor circulation in it, as well as many other effects. A detailed description of the whole complex of negative impacts requires a separate study and, in order to save time, is not given in this report.


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At the same time, despite the fact that e-sports is documented and listed in the state register as an intellectual sport , the mouse and keyboard unjustifiably impose the selection of athletes for small-motor giftedness, which, in the current conditions, becomes everything that determines the athlete.

A very doubtful, from the point of view of the author, moment.

This state of affairs is justified by only one factor - the smooth production and marketing of computer mice and keyboards. However, professional athletes and their coaches should not care about such moments, unless of course they do not care about health and performance.

Moreover, in the opinion of the author of this report, it is the development of new types of input-output devices that will enhance the entertainment of e-sports competitions and the quality of training to a new, previously unattainable level!
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