Cross-platform OpenCV optimizations

The OpenCV library consists of several thousand functions and algorithms. In this article, we want to tell you about how the flexibility of optimizing computer vision algorithms in OpenCV is provided for different architectures, operating systems and working environments.

We will look at the abstraction parallel_for_and mechanism of Universal Intrinsics and how to reuse this in your project.

The article is based on a lecture that the OpenCV team delivered as part of Intel’s winter optimization camp in 2020. A video of this lecture is also available .


This year, OpenCV marks its 20th anniversary. It is possible that some sections of the library code are even older than those who read this article :) But despite the age, the library is constantly improving both by adding new algorithms and optimizing existing ones for updated hardware, new architectures, new compilation and deployment methods.

A few facts:

  • OpenCV is downloaded over 3 million times a year (considering only PyPI + SourceForge).
  • C++, Python, Java, JavaScript, MATLAB, PHP, Go, C#,… , , , JavaScript, C++, JS ( ).
  • . core , , OpenCV, , .

OpenCV , , #ifdef - . , ?

, , OpenCV , . ( ) β€” , , , .. cv::Mat β€” :

cv::Mat mat(480, 640, CV_8UC3);
int rows     = mat.rows;        // 480
int cols     = mat.cols;        // 640
int channels = mat.channels();  // 3
uint8_t* data = mat.ptr<uint8_t>();

// or

std::vector<float> myData(10*11);
cv::Mat myMat(10, 11, CV_32FC1,;


//      | -1  0  +1 |
// Gx = | -1  0  +1 | * A
//      | -1  0  +1 |
void prewitt_x(const Mat& src, Mat& dst) {
    CV_Assert(src.type() == CV_8UC1);
    Mat bsrc;
    copyMakeBorder(src, bsrc, 1, 1, 1, 1, BORDER_REPLICATE);
    dst.create(src.size(), CV_8UC1);
    for (int y = 0; y < dst.rows; ++y)
        for (int x = 0; x < dst.cols; ++x) {
  <uchar>(y, x) =<uchar>(y  , x+2) -<uchar>(y  , x) +
                        <uchar>(y+1, x+2) -<uchar>(y+1, x) +
                        <uchar>(y+2, x+2) -<uchar>(y+2, x);

3x3 . , , 1 .

1920x1080 6.13 .

. , , , , , , . , OpenCV , .


OpenCV- parallel_for_ β€” , , OS . :

  • Intel Threading Building Blocks (TBB)
  • OpenMP
  • Apple GCD
  • Windows RT concurrency
  • Windows concurrency
  • Pthreads

β€” , :

parallel_for_(Range(0, src.rows), [&](const Range& range) {
  for (int y = range.start; y < range.end; ++y)
      for (int x = 0; x < dst.cols; ++x) {
<uchar>(y, x) =<uchar>(y  , x+2) -<uchar>(y  , x) +
                      <uchar>(y+1, x+2) -<uchar>(y+1, x) +
                      <uchar>(y+2, x+2) -<uchar>(y+2, x);

2.20ms (x2.78). .

Universal Intrinsics

β€” OpenCV . , . OpenCV, :

#include <opencv2/core/hal/intrin.hpp>


void process(int* data, int len) {
    const cv::v_int32x4 twos = cv::v_setall_s32(2);
    int i = 0;
    for (; i <= len - 4; i += 4) {
        cv::v_int32x4 b0 = cv::v_load(&data[i]);
        b0 *= twos;
        v_store(&data[i], b0);

, 2. :
, , , β€” , .
*, +, -. , .

, vx_load : v_uint8, v_int32 . nlanes , v_uint8::nlanes.

, :

  • AVX / SSE (x86)
  • NEON (ARM)
  • VSX (PowerPC)
  • MSA (MIPS)
  • WASM (JavaScript)

, . , . OpenCV API .

, β€” . , . , OpenCV . , VSX (OpenCV 3.3.1), MSA WASM (OpenCV 4.1.2).


Universal Intrinsics:

parallel_for_(Range(0, src.rows), [&](const Range& range) {
    for (int y = range.start; y < range.end; ++y) {
        const uint8_t* psrc0 = bsrc.ptr(y);
        const uint8_t* psrc1 = bsrc.ptr(y + 1);
        const uint8_t* psrc2 = bsrc.ptr(y + 2);
        uint8_t* pdst = dst.ptr(y);
        int x = 0;
        for (; x <= dst.cols - v_uint8::nlanes; x += v_uint8::nlanes) {
            v_uint8 res = v_add_wrap(v_sub_wrap(vx_load(psrc0+x+2), vx_load(psrc0+x)),
                          v_add_wrap(v_sub_wrap(vx_load(psrc1+x+2), vx_load(psrc1+x)),
                                     v_sub_wrap(vx_load(psrc2+x+2), vx_load(psrc2+x)) ));

            v_store(pdst + x, res);
        for (; x < dst.cols; ++x) {
            pdst[x] = psrc0[x + 2] - psrc0[x] +
                      psrc1[x + 2] - psrc1[x] +
                      psrc2[x + 2] - psrc2[x];

, , .

, , , . , Halide β€” :

<*  *  *  *> *  *  *  *  *  *

 *  *  *  * <*  *  *  *> *  *

 *  *  *  *  *  * <*  *  *  *>

, , -, β€” , in-place .

1920x1080 0.2ms, 23.5 6.13 ms.

, , :

for (int y = range.start; y < range.end; ++y) {
    const uint8_t* psrc0 = bsrc.ptr(y);
    const uint8_t* psrc1 = bsrc.ptr(y + 1);
    const uint8_t* psrc2 = bsrc.ptr(y + 2);
    uint8_t* pdst = dst.ptr(y);
    int x = 0;
#if CV_AVX512_SKX
        for (; x <= dst.cols - 64; x += 64) {
            __m512i vsrc0 = _mm512_sub_epi8(_mm512_loadu_epi8(psrc0 + x + 2), _mm512_loadu_epi8(psrc0 + x));
            __m512i vsrc1 = _mm512_sub_epi8(_mm512_loadu_epi8(psrc1 + x + 2), _mm512_loadu_epi8(psrc1 + x));
            __m512i vsrc2 = _mm512_sub_epi8(_mm512_loadu_epi8(psrc2 + x + 2), _mm512_loadu_epi8(psrc2 + x));
            _mm512_storeu_epi8(pdst + x, _mm512_add_epi8(vsrc0, _mm512_add_epi8(vsrc1, vsrc2)));
#if CV_AVX2
        for (; x <= dst.cols - 32; x += 32) {
            __m256i vsrc0 = _mm256_sub_epi8(_mm256_loadu_si256(psrc0 + x + 2), _mm256_loadu_si256(psrc0 + x));
            __m256i vsrc1 = _mm256_sub_epi8(_mm256_loadu_si256(psrc1 + x + 2), _mm256_loadu_si256(psrc1 + x));
            __m256i vsrc2 = _mm256_sub_epi8(_mm256_loadu_si256(psrc2 + x + 2), _mm256_loadu_si256(psrc2 + x));
            _mm256_storeu_si256(pdst + x, _mm256_add_epi8(vsrc0, _mm256_add_epi8(vsrc1, vsrc2)));
#if CV_SSE2
    for (; x <= dst.cols - 16; x += 16) {
        __m128i vsrc0 = _mm_sub_epi8(_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i const*)(psrc0 + x + 2)), _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i const*)(psrc0 + x)));
        __m128i vsrc1 = _mm_sub_epi8(_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i const*)(psrc1 + x + 2)), _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i const*)(psrc1 + x)));
        __m128i vsrc2 = _mm_sub_epi8(_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i const*)(psrc2 + x + 2)), _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i const*)(psrc2 + x)));
        _mm_storeu_si128(pdst + x, _mm_add_epi8(vsrc0, _mm_add_epi8(vsrc1, vsrc2)));
#elif CV_NEON
    for (; x <= dst.cols - 16; x += 16) {
        uint8x16_t vsrc0 = vsubq_u8(vld1q_u8(psrc0 + x + 2), vld1q_u8(psrc0 + x));
        uint8x16_t vsrc1 = vsubq_u8(vld1q_u8(psrc1 + x + 2), vld1q_u8(psrc1 + x));
        uint8x16_t vsrc2 = vsubq_u8(vld1q_u8(psrc2 + x + 2), vld1q_u8(psrc2 + x));
        vst1q_u8(pdst + x, vaddq_u8(vsrc0, vaddq_u8(vsrc1, vsrc2)));
#elif CV_VSX
    for (; x <= dst.cols - 16; x += 16) {
        vec_uchar16 vsrc0 = vec_sub(ld(0, psrc0 + x + 2), ld(0, psrc0 + x));
        vec_uchar16 vsrc1 = vec_sub(ld(0, psrc1 + x + 2), ld(0, psrc1 + x));
        vec_uchar16 vsrc2 = vec_sub(ld(0, psrc2 + x + 2), ld(0, psrc2 + x));
        st(vec_add(vsrc0, vec_add(vsrc1, vsrc2)), 0, pdst + x);
#elif CV_MSA
    for (; x <= dst.cols - 16; x += 16) {
        v16u8 vsrc0 = msa_subq_u8(msa_ld1q_u8(psrc0 + x + 2), msa_ld1q_u8(psrc0 + x));
        v16u8 vsrc1 = msa_subq_u8(msa_ld1q_u8(psrc1 + x + 2), msa_ld1q_u8(psrc1 + x));
        v16u8 vsrc2 = msa_subq_u8(msa_ld1q_u8(psrc2 + x + 2), msa_ld1q_u8(psrc2 + x));
        msa_st1q_u8(pdst + x, msa_addq_u8(vsrc0, msa_addq_u8(vsrc1, vsrc2)));
#elif CV_WASM
    for (; x <= dst.cols - 16; x += 16) {
        v128_t vsrc0 = wasm_u8x16_sub(wasm_v128_load(psrc0 + x + 2), wasm_v128_load(psrc0 + x));
        v128_t vsrc1 = wasm_u8x16_sub(wasm_v128_load(psrc1 + x + 2), wasm_v128_load(psrc1 + x));
        v128_t vsrc2 = wasm_u8x16_sub(wasm_v128_load(psrc2 + x + 2), wasm_v128_load(psrc2 + x));
        wasm_v128_store(pdst + x, wasm_u8x16_add(vsrc0, wasm_u8x16_add(vsrc1, vsrc2)));
    for (; x < dst.cols; ++x) {
        pdst[x] = psrc0[x + 2] - psrc0[x] +
                  psrc1[x + 2] - psrc1[x] +
                  psrc2[x + 2] - psrc2[x];

( parallel_for_ ):

input:  cv::Mat (single channel, uint8_t)
output: cv::Mat (single channel, int32_t)

out = (Gx)^2 + (Gy)^2, where

      | +1   0  |             |  0  +1 |
Gx =  |  0  -1  | * A,   Gy = | -1   0 | * A



x2 , .

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