Banach-Tarski reverse paradox or how to reduce the stored data volume by five times

I want to clarify right away that we are talking about a theoretical model that allows reducing the amount of stored information by 5 times, and not about its practical application.


Eight months ago, I wandered on the Internet in search of inspiration. I myself am an engineer by first education, but in general I am engaged in the development of startups, mentoring, coaching, consulting and all in that spirit. Therefore, I try to follow trends, new ideas (as they say everything new, it’s well forgotten old) and finding any information, I always try to ask myself the question: β€œhow can this be applied in practice?”. So, I came across an article , I honestly admit more from the camp of physicists than mathematicians, so I understood about 10%, but the essence was that 1 = 2 and so on in progress, and this is not crazy stuff, but a real mathematical calculation.
Became interesting.image

The essence of the Banach-Tarsky paradox in a light exposition

I read a lot of articles, read half a book , watched a series of videos, this explains the essence more easily and clearly.

In simple terms, you can take any three-dimensional body, divide it into parts (more precisely, 5 parts), and then assemble 2 bodies from them, and absolutely equal in structure, size, shape, volume and all other parameters not only to each other, but also original body.
An approximate illusion can be observed with chocolate:

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, . :)

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