How to remove the human factor from the hiring process and accelerate it by orders of magnitude

There is an opinion on the labor market that, having reached certain heights of skill, the developer gets rid of problems with finding a job, and if he throws a cry, he immediately grows a line of employers - and the next morning he can impressively go to a new office for a new cool salary, and the problem of a long search is typical only for novice programmers. This opinion is often untrue.

Having seen startups and stability in all colors, the pros rightly put forward the basic requirements for the next place of work, thereby significantly narrowing the choice and lengthening the pleasure of finding a job, and they should also be prepared for the cold soul of the hiring procedure and lay at least one and a half to actively search for work two months.

In this article I want to talk about our project, whose main task is to reduce these terms by several orders of magnitude.

Root of evil

To understand how to reduce the time of searching for work / workers by 10, 100, and sometimes 1000 times, think: for what reasons does the process of searching and hiring an employee drag on for weeks and months? The generalized answer is the human factor, often multiplied by the number of people. It looks unnecessarily generalized so that you can work with it, but in the yard - the year 2020 and, it seems, the time has come, if not to get rid, then to significantly reduce the negative aspects of the human factor in hiring.

For a reader inexperienced in hiring, I prepared two illustrations of how he looks from the inside in startups and corporations.


At the beginning of the working week, the employer - the owner of the startup - pulls himself out of the business rush by willpower, quickly writes a vacancy for a pythonist, places it and dives back into business. In the evening, bouncing a new passit before bedtime, he opens HH so that he can quickly choose the best "IT specialist" who fell on his head and sees two sad responses: a cryptoprener from Moldova and a Windows installer from Kupchino ... Having repeated the new passit, he decides to wait until the end of the week to process the whole list of candidates in bulk.

Friday comes, the list contains 7 sane candidates, he calls them. One does not pick up the phone, the other has already found work, the third says that only a remote employee is needed, the fourth greatly embellished the resume and is not suitable for qualification, the fifth needs pension, dentistry, a massage chair, the sixth is ready to work only on Sony Play Station. The seventh is similar to the one who is needed, but asks for a little more money than planned. The employer agrees with him that he will discuss the amount of payment with the partner and inform on Monday, but on Saturday the servers fall and restoring them, everyone safely forgets about the backend for two weeks.

Stable company

A whole group of people is involved in the work, including HR, a leading developer, project manager, accountant, and lawyer. With the help of an application for staff expansion, three stages of interviews, test tasks and a number of formalities, dockings of different employees, these five five people overcome the barrier and hire someone in two or three weeks, but they don’t hire an order of magnitude more people who wait for days and weeks his refusal.

There is something sado-masochistic in these examples: people are involved in a process that would seem to have a clearly formulated goal and logic, but as soon as the human factor enters the game, everything turns into farce and a lottery - and it would be nice if it were instant but not!

The perfect hiring process

Let us now imagine the ideal that it makes sense for us to strive for. In my opinion, in our age of winning technologies, the hiring procedure should fit in an hour and might look something like this:

  • Once, while walking in the spring gardens, you decide to look for a new job and click with your fingers. In seconds, 100 employers who need employees like you will find out about you and your talents.
  • Suppose you are interested in 30 of them and these 30 make a response click of their fingers.
    You immediately receive these 30 offers, of which you like, say, 10.
  • Before you even leave the beautiful gardens, you start discussing the details of your hiring and make a mutual decision as a result of this discussion.

This is how our ActualizeBot works .
The only clarification is that before clicking with your fingers you need to place an ad filled in the special format necessary for our matching algorithm. It takes a minute to fill it.

Principle of operation

After placing an ad, a search for counter ads that meet the filters you specify, is similar to Tinder: in Tinder, the user is looking for a partner with certain parameters, our employer is looking for an employee (and vice versa) - also indicating the most important parameters.

  • For example, if you are a developer and specify Python and the remote, the service finds in the database all the ads from employers that specify Python and the remote - and tells them.
  • - , - , Python-. , , .
  • ?

My opinion - of course, will be. And if for some reason he doesn’t hire this one, he will hire the next one who will place the announcement in half an hour and you will already receive a notification about a new opportunity and you will already respond to it, since it will still be relevant for you.

Below are screenshots of some sections of the bot: the main menu, the stack selector, which includes more than 100 positions and our nickname generator for 260 thousand nicknames, which serves to save the original incognito. The first screenshot shows the categories we recently added Testing and Design:

screenshots of the bot’s main screen, stack selection screen and nickname generator

Hiring Acceleration Factors

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  • . , .

We are a young start-up that has existed for 3 months and switched to the practical plane a month ago. We are encouraged by the business we are doing, as we have already seen confirmation of our hypotheses and have benefited the first several dozen users.

In our blog, we have already shared one in-house development - a framework for routing in complex telegram bots - and we plan to publish several more open source projects, as well as to acquaint you with innovations in the functionality.

We will be glad to see you (both employees and employers) among our users.
Link to bot: attached .

upd 26.02: The number of matches exceeded 200

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