Demolition of the tower and accurate calculation. April Fools NUC Intel contest

You will laugh, but we are again holding a contest dedicated to our beloved Intel NUC. We, in turn, want to laugh with you, so this time the competition will be a joke, dedicated to the inexorably approaching us on the first of April. But the prize will be quite real, most directly related to the NUC.

In our new competition, ideas on the most witty and inventive use of Intel NUC computers in everyday life and in the profession participate. Conditions, as usual, are as free as possible - offer any application options for NUC at your discretion.

Let us, however, not forget where we are. Jokes are jokes, but on HabrΓ© professionalism is appreciated in any subject. We will evaluate the elaboration of the idea, the presence of copyright details in it. Say, if you suggest using NUC for counting mosquitoes on a summer terrace, it will be appropriate to indicate what kind of sensors you use, why exactly them, and also attach the appropriate schemes. If your NUC will spin software to recognize individuals mugs vpuskaniya the purpose of the house is only your personal kotomordy, it makes sense to focus on recognition algorithms applied to cats. Etc. Demolition of the tower and accurate calculation - this is our strength!

Now our regulation. Send your applications for inventions until March 17 inclusive to our . We ask you to indicate your name and surname in the letter - they will come in handy when the time comes to name the winners. The best projects will be published in an April Fools blog post on Intel.

The prize of our competition is a funny little computer of the NUC family, Intel Compute Stick (STK1AW32SC) . Do you think it has nothing to do with the NUC? No wonder, check on the ARK website . See, it’s written that a relative.

The prize is delivered within the Russian Federation.

Go for it and win! But do not win - at least laugh.

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