Hackathon in Simferopol, Yandex. Dialogs and laws of chat-bot technology

On February 1, a hackathon for developing skills for Alice was held in Simferopol . Local front-end developers undertook to organize it, and Yandex provided a place. Despite the fact that the participants created voice interfaces for the first time, more than a dozen working prototypes were created in a day, and some of them were even published.

In this post, we give examples of skills that can be done in a few hours, and tell you which approach underlies them. We want more skills useful and different. Chased.

In the photo, a pair of hackathon participants and Segalovich's nape

What is a skill in Alice?

A skill in Alice is a script (actually a bot) written by a developer external to Yandex. Each skill has an activation phrase, after which the skill is launched and the user is transferred from the main Alice to an external script.

, , , , . dialogs.yandex.ru/store, , . . yandex.ru/dev/dialogs/alice. .


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-, — - (MAU 4 ).

-, . 2000 , . https://t.me/yadialogschat.

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  "request": {
    "command": "  ?"


  "response": {
    "text": "     ?",
    "card": {
      "items": [{"title": "Pepsi", ...}, ...]

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The next skills development hackathon for Alice will be held February 29 in Moscow .

PS Text authors - cointegratedand @helmeton - are / were Yandex employees, but participated in this hackathon as independent developers. All statements in this text are also the personal opinions of the authors, and may not coincide with the official position of Yandex or with reality.

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